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~I'm going to try write like 9-10 POVs throughout the week and I'll just upload in groups at the end of the week instead of like 1 or 2 every now and then~


"Had enough already"

"Shut up I've trained already today" I said putting my hands on my knees to hold myself up.

"Alright fine, we'll have a rest then do it once more then we can finish" bakugou replied throwing a bottle towards me.

We had been training all day and it was already night, surprisingly my mum hasn't bombarded me with texts yet meaning she probably thought I was still with Todoroki.

I looked over at bakugou who had taken his top off and laid down in the grass. My cheeks felt like they were going to catch on fire but I kept my gaze on his arms and the muscled planes of his chest.

"I heard that taking pictures last longer" he called out causing me to lift my eyes back to his feeling my cheeks to redden.

"If I punched you would you even feel it" I said causing him to sit up and look at me with a raised eyebrow as if he couldn't believe it.

Clearly the training was going to my head and my mouth had no filter at this point.

"You think you'd even make contact" he teased.

It made me want to punch him to see what he'd do.

"Should we find out"

He stood up taking a couple steps towards me with a smirk on his face.

"Go ahead" he replied.

I stood up making a fist, drew back my arm and swung at him.

He caught my arm pulling my upper body towards him, before I was ready for the foot that hooked my leg pushing me to the ground before I even noticed.

His weight was heavy against me and his face was so close I could feel his breath along my neck.
He looked down at me, bracing his hands beside my shoulders on the ground which was doing amazing things to his biceps.

Clearly my brain had disconnected from my body as my hands found their way to his shoulders, my fingers traced down the length of his shoulder until It rested on his biceps causing him to go completely still.

I traced a few more inches feeling him shiver at the touch as he moved his hand down to my elbow forcing him closer. I could feel his chest expanding against mine with his breathing as more of his weight went on me.

He traced the line of my face, like he wanted to memorise the feeling. My hands had gone still on his arms while every brush of his fingertips filled me with warmth.

My hand found it's way to his face, his jaw just a litte rough under my palm. I wanted him closer all at once and I knew I shouldn't.

He closed his eyes and turned to kiss the inside of my wrist against the burn he questioned the other day which was now a half circled scar. I had never seen him like this and I was enjoying it more than I thought.

I caught his smile before he brushed his lips against mine causing me to push my fingers through his hair.

He pushed his lips against mine this time lingering a bit longer. As his mouth moved against mine my lips parted in response.

His hand found my waist, touching the revealed skin from where my top had pulled up from my pants. My own fingers had slipped under his arms, gripping his shoulders to hold him against me.

I felt his tongue against mine drawing a low sound from my throat as his hand slid below the hem of my shirt, hot against the skin of my waist.

My world focused in on this moment, the warmth and sweetness along with the feeling of his body on mine.

Only when we heard my phone going off did we stop as it brought us back to reality causing us to realise what was happening.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in as he pulled back and sat up allowing me to move.

"What" i said answering the phone as i stayed laying down against the grass.

"Elena it's late seriously first you disappear yesterday then your late to training now you disappear again! Hurry up and come home"

"Okay I'm coming" I said hanging up.

I turned to look at bakugou who was laying on his back propping himself up on his elbows with a smirk on his face.

"I have to go" I said watching him stand up and walk towards me.

"Come on I'll walk you" he replied holding a hand out to help me up then walking inside while pulling his top back on.

The walk wasn't to far which was good with the previous actions, although it wasn't awkward being quiet between us it was relaxing.

We got to the alley way behind my house which is where he stopped so my mum wouldn't see him.

"Text me when you get in" he said looking at me.

"So I know your mum hasn't killed you" he teased

"Shut up" I replied punching his arm

"Look at that, I made contact" I added turning around and walking towards the side of the house.

"Your right it hurts a lot, maybe you should kiss it better" he said teasing again causing me to stop.

I thought about it but turned around seeing the smirk on his face and walked back to him grabbing the back of his neck and pushing my lips against his then pulling away not long after.

"Go home goldilocks" I said smiling as I walked around to the front of the house to get inside.

When I got inside my mum was standing there waiting.

"Where have you been and where were you last night!"

"I was at Mina's" I said kicking my shoes off at the door.

"Who's Mina" she replied with her arms crossed

"A friend" I said pushing past her and making my way upstairs to my room.

"You disobedient child, I hope you apologised to Todoroki and his father for being late"

I could hear her still talking but zoned out at the start grabbing a towel so I could have a shower.

If she knew what was really going on she'd lose it.

I grabbed my phone and texted bakugou to let him know I was okay, then pulled up mine and momo's previous messages.

Elena: I'm sorry momo I am

I didn't know what for exactly because I didn't do anything but I just needed my best friend back right now. I needed to talk to her.

I put my phone down and hopped in the shower.

Hot showers after training always felt amazing.

When I got out I saw my phone flashing, showing that I had a message.

Momo: you didn't do anything

Bakugou: glad to hear, training with Todoroki tomorrow?

I looked at momo's message for what felt like decades before replying, then jumping in bed to reply to bakugou.

Elena: Sunday's are not for training.

Bakugou: depends what kind of training

I put my phone down hearing footsteps coming up the stairs and faced the wall pretending to be asleep.

"Goodnight my love"

It wasn't the first time I pretended to be asleep and heard dad saying goodnight and every time it made me feel better no matter what.

Choosing him  [Katsuki Bakugou]Where stories live. Discover now