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A/N: this is the night of Midoriya and Bakugou's fight ignoring the fact that I didn't bother putting in the hero license piece because I couldn't be bothered doing that so if you want you can act like that happened but keep in mind this is now a Sunday night so I don't think you could pretend it's happened (guess it could of happened on Sunday day) 🤷🏽‍♀️ but up to you i just needed their fight to be in it.


The weekend went by fast and most of the time i was with the villains trying to get them to trust me fully, why dabi trusted me confused me considering all he knew was my name and quirk but i wasn't going to question it further.

On saturday morning i went with todoroki to meet his mum, he had never told me anything about his family or why she was where she was but it was nice to finally meet her.

When sunday night came round and it was time to go back to the dorms, Instead of walking back with todoroki i told him I'd just meet him there and ended up walking by myself.

This only caused my mum to accuse me of being rude and unmannered like she always did when it came to him.

When i got back to the dorms i went straight to aizawa to tell him how things were going with the villains, although they didn't trust me as much as he'd hoped they were still allowing me to be there and they were slowly telling me more.

Aizawa had given me small nonsense to tell them so it would seem like i was at least doing something useful which helped keeping me with them.

Before i left the office to go to the dorms i told him that during school I'd stay and train then go with dabi after which caused him to get todoroki to train with me tomorrow.

Whenever he told me todoroki would be training me it was never training, it was always fighting to see if i had improved with the binding cloth.

Using the binding cloth was one of the most frustrating things i had tried to do and aizawa could see this with every time we practiced.

Although he said i was improving, i still had lots to learn about it.

By the time everyone happened to get back to the dorms it was already late and half of us were wanting to go to bed, including me.

I managed to stay up till everyone else went to bed and ended up going up to my room last, which was always better because by then everyone had gone quiet or gone to sleep.

What felt like hours had passed and i spent most of it tossing and turning not being able to get to sleep before I eventually gave up and made my way downstairs.

When i pulled the door open i noticed todoroki sitting to the side of it down on the steps.

"Todoroki, what are you doing up this late"


"Mind if i join" i said letting my eyes roam over him trying to see what was going on.


I walked over to him noticing him looking at his hands and decided to sit in front of him watching ice cover one hand while fire covered the other.

"Do you want to talk about it" i added looking up at him seeing his expression.

"Im sorry i got you dragged into this mess" he replied finally looking up at me.


"Being forced together because our parents want a kid born with our quirks" he said looking back at his hands.

"Im sorry" he added

"Its not your fault" i chuckled.

"Have you ever wondered how i got my scar or why my mum was where she was"

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