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Alright alright, i have an idea for this book 😂 it may turn out to be a bad idea but its an idea which I'll probably change before i get around to doing it but eh aw well 😂
Annnnnd is shinsou back? 😱 i seen a photo on instagram from the manga and he was wearing aizawa's cloth 🤷🏽‍♀️ because like if sooooo i already want to change my idea 😂


Elena: I'll be over later i have to go talk to aizawa about some things.

Like always we had friday night at minas and woke up to kirishima shoving bowls of food in our face.

I had only told him about elena's mum because i figured he would know what to do but he himself didn't want me to end whatever was going on between me and her for his own reasons.

"At least just talk about it with her" kirishima said pulling me out of my thoughts.


"Elena, her mum, just talk to her about it" he replied leaning over the couch.

"Besides the others are getting suspicious with your quietness" he added turning to look at them outside cleaning the mess.

"She's supposed to be with todoroki"

"So why'd you start something with her in the first place, what's different from then to now"

"She could get pulled out of UA because of it" i said trying to stay calm so the others wouldn't hear.

"Shouldn't it be her choice on ending it or not then, since she's the one taking the punishment for it" he added clearly seeing me grow tried of the conversation.

"I have to go besides why do you seem so upset about it anyway" i said pulling my top on.

"Your a lot calmer with her around, not blowing so much things up and getting unnecessary mad at everything" he replied shrugging.

"Whatever shitty hair"

By the time I decided to leave minas it was already lunch time meaning my parents were most likely gone which I preferred.

Having to end things with elena was one thing but doing it with my mum still home was a whole other story.

My mum loved her like she was her own having being friends with her mum till me and elena went our own ways, she grew on her and treated her like her own child even when i wasn't home.

Kirishima was right i should just talk to her about it but i know how stubborn she is and telling her what her mum said would just cause her to argue with her about it.

My plan was to just tell her that she deserved better than me and blame everything on me not being good enough for her but even that wouldn't come out lightly.

Regardless of what ever plan i managed to come up with i was probably going to back down when i seen her like last time so i just pushed the thought away.

Once i was home i grabbed my parents note from the bench without reading it and went into my room throwing it on the desk while falling down onto my bed shoving my face into my pillow.

Choosing him  [Katsuki Bakugou]Where stories live. Discover now