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"Elena get up your going to be late for school, Todoroki is waiting" I heard mum calling out from downstairs.

"I'm up I'm up" I replied grabbing my phone and walking downstairs.

"Morning" I said to Todoroki who was sitting on a stool at the bench

I watched my mums eyes widen and knew it was because of my hair being left down, Todoroki must of caught on and realised I would just pull it out once we left anyway.

"Your hair looks nice" he said before my mum reached me.

"She always looks nice with her hair down like that" my mum said with a smile as she directed her eyes back to todoroki stopping where she was.

I looked at Todoroki from behind her rolling my eyes with a smirk causing him to chuckle a little.

"Have a good day you two" my mum called out once we reached the front door.

I kicked my shoes on as i was walking out behind him trying to get my shoe on properly before I tripped.

"Thanks" I laughed walking up beside him

"It's okay, it does look nice"

Most of the walk was still silent showing we still felt a little out of place walking together.

"So momo said you and bakugou use to be friends when you were younger"

His words caught me a little by surprise and I didn't understand why she felt he needed to know.

"Yeah..." I replied questioning if I should have denied it or not

"You'd think he would be less annoying to the person he was childhood friends with" he said looking at his feet.

"Well I mean look at how he treats midoriya" I added stopping at the gates where I usually stopped

"Yeah true, I'll see you in class"

I nodded and watched as he carried on walking towards the school doors leaving me to wait for momo.

After what felt like forever I spotted momo down the street running towards me waving her arms around.

"Your coming on the camping trip right" she asked catching her breath once she reached me.

"Momo it's not for a month, why are you getting worked up about it now" I laughed as she leant over on her knees.

"Because camping is always fun" she replied standing back up straight.

She couldn't be more wrong, I hated camping. Everything went wrong for me either I'd fall off everything or fall in everything.

"No not really, I hate camping"

"But your coming right, you have to" she pleaded.

I was watching her get all excited about it as she told me everything she had planned out until I got distracted by a certain idiot walking past with a huge grin on his face as he watched me looking.

"Really Elena" I heard causing me to turn back to her

"What" I questioned noticing her trying not to smile

"Bakugou hmmm" she said putting her finger to her chin.

"Is he the one your losing sleep over" she smirked watching my cheeks to see if they'd go red.

Choosing him  [Katsuki Bakugou]Where stories live. Discover now