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A/N: i think trying to get inside the mind of bakugou and trying to write a way that he'd be feeling is literally the hardest thing since he himself doesn't even know how to express his feelings, which is why his pov's are stressing me out and coming out really badly but oh well 🤷🏽‍♀️ there's only so much i can do 🤣


Fridays training was faster than usual and before i knew it kirishima was trying to drag me out of my room after school to go to minas for Friday night.

"I don't want to"

"You have to, you pretty much invented Friday nights bakugou it would be weird if you missed one"

"I don't want to"

"If you were just going to sit here sulking over leaving her, why do it" he said getting annoyed with me.

"Did you even listen when i told you why and im not sulking"

"Yeah, i also know you didn't tell her thats why you ended things"

"Whatever man, If i come will you shut up about it" i said getting tired of the conversation.

"I guess so"

"Then shut up and wait downstairs" i added pushing myself off my bed.

Friday night was the last thing on my mind right now, elena had only started coming to them around a month ago but it'd still be weird not having her there.

She wasn't at training today in fact she had been skipping training altogether for the last couple of days.

Not only did i notice it, everyone did.

That was the thing with her now, everybody noticed everything going on with her. Her quirk, her and todoroki, even her and me. She didn't bother hiding what her mum wanted for her or that she was skipping training and leaving school everyday.

She just did as she wished at this point, well that's how it looked anyway.

Kirishima tried asking momo why she was skipping so much at training but she just brushed it off and claimed she didn't know before going back to train.

When i got down stairs to where kirishima was elena was spread out on the couch practicing with the binding cloth while momo sat at the end of it trying to get her attention.

"It'll be good dude, you need this" kaminari said hitting my back.

"Shut up and lets go"

"He needs to get drunk" i heard mina questioning him in a whisper as they followed behind me.

"I need to go to my house quickly" i said to kirishima while we waited for the rest of them to catch up.

Even riding the bike without her had started to feel weird, i threw my bag over my shoulder and pulled the helmet on not bothering to wait for the others before turning it on and leaving.

When i pulled into the drive i knew they wouldn't be far away so i leant forward on the handle bars and sat there waiting.

Being on my own only made my thoughts louder and they were driving me insane more and more each day.

I had never really lost anything or anyone and maybe that's why i couldn't understand what was going on but my chest felt empty.

It was uncomfortable and it made me feel uneasy, as if I wasn't myself. I felt tired and hallow but I couldn't shake it no matter how much i tried to.

When i heard the bikes pulling in the drive behind me i pushed the thought away and climbed off turning to look at them.

"Are your parents home" mina called out from behind sero causing me to nod.

Choosing him  [Katsuki Bakugou]Where stories live. Discover now