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A/N-this was also written on my laptop so bare with the spelling mistakes ill fix them eventually, also if anyone has any better names than literally (597) please help 😂
Also i couldn't be bothered finding a photo so i just took a photo of two of my drawings (bakugous isn't done because believe it or not his hair is stressful to colour 😂) and i don't know how to colour ice on todoroki's but aw well.


avoiding people was usually an easy task but when you happened to be in the same class on the same training camp you were bound to bump into each other.

the next day was even worse than the first and i didn't understand how my back was putting up with it but i was managing.

aizawa was focused on trying to teach me everything he knew in a number of two days, with yesterday being gone and today only starting my body was already hating me and just wanted to go home.

"isn't it bad to put to much work on your body in such a short amount of time" i said bending over with my hands on my knees to catch my breath

"fine, we'll do something simple"

"practise moving the cloth to pull yourself on to things and to pull things to you" he added pointing to a tree.

"so you want me to climb the tree using the cloth instead of my hands"

"exactly, but start back here" he said sticking his hands back into his pocket and nodding his head towards the tree.

i walked back to where he was and tried to focused on wrapping the cloth around one of the tree branches.

once it was around one of the branches enough to pull me up towards it aizawa started talking causing me to lose my focus and get flung towards the trunk of the tree from the cloth trying to shrink down again.

"no villain is going to stand around and wait for you to finish wrapping it around what your trying to wrap it around"

"you need to be faster" he added watching me stand up and walk back over to where we were before.

most of the day went on like this, i was growing tired of it and i could tell aizawa was to.

"your not staying focused elena"

"well theres a lot of things going through my head right now, you know like having to force you to kick me out of UA just so i can pretend to be a villain to spy on them or how my mum..." i said biting on my tongue to get me to stop talking.

"no keep going, i really want to hear your problems" aizawa added clearly getting impatient with me.

It was already lunch time and honestly at this point we were both probably sick of each other and needed a break from the training, i knew i was at least.

"really keep going"

i looked at the small table in front of me wrapping the cloth around it and pulling it over top of me to smash down on the ground where aizawa was standing only to notice he had moved which was no surprise.

i released the cloth from the table leg watching as he moved back into my eye sight showing no resentment towards what i had just done.

i could hear everyone stop their training and could feel them watching just like back at the dorms.

"move it like that every time and you'll be fine" aizawa said getting my attention again.

"we all have our fair share of problems kid, instead of sulking about them use them to your advantage" he added

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