Iron Fist

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That morning I woke up. I made a break for it. Tumbled out of bed and rushed down stairs. So far so good. No one had spotted me just yet. Just a little farther and I'm out!

"Going somewhere?"

I halted in place like a statue and gradually jerked my head around to see my Dad casually sitting next to Happy and Minnie.

"G-good morning..." I waved awkwardly. "I-I'm going to be out for awhile. I'll be back soon!" I flinched when he walked toward me.

"It's alright." Dad gleamed. "Just be safe and come home later." He patted my head.

"I will." I hugged him. "I will."

On my way out, I felt knots in my stomach. That lonesome expression he wore. Im well aware that i'm hurting him.

Surprisingly, I didn't notice how I ended up where I was yesterday. My legs knew the way more than I knew myself. It wasn't long when
I ended up in the private solitary area again. 
Like magic had guided me blindly here.

"Cool..." I said amazed.

"You're back little one." Igneel raised one of his flaming wings and grinned.

"Of course." I smiled, "good morning."

"A fresh start of the day." Grandeeney said.

Metalicana joined in and titled his head.

"You were in quite a mess the other day." He leaned his head down near me and inspected.

"H-how did you know?" I questioned.

"We could sense it. Your magic." Grandeeney answered. "Just bad luck, that's all."

"Such a pity that you couldn't control it." Metalicana raised his heads

"Well, that's what we're for." Grandeeney glared and Metalicana. "Mind your words."

"Let's start training." Igneel broke up the conversation and the other two dragons began to retreat. "I want you to sit where you are and concentrate on your magic." Igneel ordered.

"H-huh? So...just sit-"

"Do you dare defy the great Igneel?" His jaw opened and his razor teeth sent chills down my back. I sat down.

"Now close your eyes. Relax." He spoke.

I did as instructed and timed my breathing. When I knew I had been sitting there for awhile, nothing was happening.

"I don't understand this." I said aloud.

"Just keep breathing and focusing." Metalicana's voice echoed through my ears.

"Now, listen to my words." Igneel had sounded more distant. Farther away.

"What is it that you fear? I want you to think about what causes your state to automatically deteriorate. When you are under the influence of mental fear." Grandeeney's soft voice made the hairs on my skin crawl.

Fear? I thought. What do I fear? What don't I fear? I fear love. It's complicated and twisted. I fear that dad wished I was never born. I fear being alone. Hated. Not being loved.

"Maintain your thoughts. For you have struck your emotional box. Contain it. Embrace the fear that you desire to rid. Acknowledge it all." Grandeeney advised.

She was right. The wetness that slipped down my cheeks. The only warmth that has kept me alive. These wretched tears that has cried rivers for the sake of being loved.

"Calm and steady. Fear will dominate you if you let it consume you. Remember that it only makes you stronger. Face it." Igneel roared with such passion in his voice.

Before I knew it, I began seeing sparks in the abyss of my blackened eyesight. Little disorganized colors burst with movement. Picking up speed, they started to collided with each other, ricocheting and exploding.
I could feel my hands tingling in with raw sensation. Frosty...I've felt this feeling before.

"Now my child, open you eyes."

I lifted my head and freed my sight. The blast of heavy wind blew towards me. The vast greenery and earthy smell. I looked down at my hands, which had iced the ground beneath me.

Suddenly, my hands started to move, with a mind of its own. A electric spark had struck the ice and split it. With the melting ice, the water appeared in my hands.

"Steady now." They said.

Concentrate Nashi. Allow fear to escape once and for all. Let the ice melt. Let it become water. Flow like the currents in that body of yours.

I closed my eyes again and the glowing figures started to bounce back and forth, more insanity than before. It's rapid motion that I couldn't keep up with. I could no longer view the shapes all together and the colors became mush.
A tight stab in the chest.
I noticed I had stopped breathing.

I laid awake on the ground, gasping for the air I desperately needed. Slowly now, you're alive. You're okay. My body felt like led. Heavy and weak. I tried to set myself up again, only to see that the Dragons were watching me. Igneel stood there with a pleased facial expression.

"H-how long?" I asked as I was wiping the sweat off my forehead.

"Well, you weren't breathing for an hour. But two of you want to count them." Igneel said back.

I chocked on my own words.

"I-I wasn't breathing for an hour?! You didn't say anything or tried to help me!?" I blurted in shock. "I could of died!"

"Did you?" Metalicana asked.

"N-no...but still!" I protested.

"Magnificent isn't it." Grandeeney spoke. "I didn't suspect that you would last that long. Especially forgetting how to breath through a third of your training." She teased.

"Keep this up and you'll master the technique." Metalicana added. "It's takes time."

"It's it's time for us to go." Igneel added.

The three dragons turned and readied their ginormous monstrous wings.
"W-wait!" I called out. "Before you go! I need to ask of a favor!"

Igneel turned around. "What is it my child?"

"Next time. Will you tell me the stories. Of how everything came to be? My dad. Everything?"

Nashi: The Gifted Dragon Slayer Where stories live. Discover now