Pink Emblem

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<3rd POV>
"Okay, looks like I'm leaving now." Nashi waved as she headed out the guild doors.
"See you when you get back." Natsu stopped in front of her and she hugged him before she left.

"They grow up so fast." Gray walked along to Natsu's side, watching Nashi leave in the distance.
"And we're growing old." Natsu joked.
Ugh..the sun is burning my flesh and I'm sweating. Like I know I'm a dragon slayer and all. The fire and everything. But this is another case! What kind of weather is this?!
Initially, I was supposed to go on a job with Gia but she went on one with Jae instead. Trader. Plus, Gale is with Wendy.

"Good morning, Nashi." A store clerk waved.
"Morning!" I smiled, "how are those sales?"
"Great! Boosting ever since you helped me."
"Ah! Wonderful!" I giggled.
"How's your dad?" He brought up.
"Same as ever." I sighed.
"At least he's not destroying things, or causing complaints again. Like the old days."
"You're right about that." I agreed.
"You be safe now. See you later then."
"Bye." I parted.

I made my way to the train station and board the train. Luckily, I found a compartment all to myself. Instances like this, I don't get motion sickness like my dad. Though it seems like he can tame it now with Wendy's magic pills.

"Hey, you can come out." I whispered, opening my bag. A gray exceed flew out as well as Happy who popped his head out of the top opening.
"Thank goodness, they didn't spot us." Happy glanced around, "it was already steaming in there anyways!"
"True." Minni agreed.
Minni was my exceed, my dad adopted one for me when we went to a spot in Magnolia that had an exceed village.
Before I could get into it, I heard approaching footsteps, nearing my compartment.

"Minni, Happy." I rushed them into the bag and knotted the top. Apparently, they made a rule that animals were forbidden on the trains.

"Hey, are these seats open?"3 guys with peeked their heads in. Staring at what they would consider a the catch of the day.
"No." I diverged my eyes and stared out the window. I've seen these guys before crawling around compartments with any girls in them. It was a matter of time when they had found another one.

"Hey, can't we all share? Aren't yah being slightly rude, miss?" He teased.
"Can't you see I want to be alone?" I looked at them with an adjustment of leave me alone.

The 3 guys waited and stared blankly at me. That was until I said yes. Why does this happen to me?
"Fine." I finally gave in. It wasn't long before that conversation came up.
"Dude, check it out. She's from Fairy Tail." One of them pointed out as he sat next to me.
"Ah, that guild that's used to get in a lot of trouble! My parents told me once they almost killed the whole town, in this game-"

"Ahem." I glared at them, "the generation of mages from then, no longer wreak havoc."
"Oh.. You seem cranky?" One teased.
"I'm not going to sit here while you berate my guild." I snapped.
Then the subject changed.
"They were known for the scary dragon slayers huh? The dragons den."
They kept on talking. Soon enough, they steered their attention towards me.
"So what kind of wizard are you?"
"Celestial Mage."
"Ah, those keys right?"
"Wasn't there only two people who owned the gold keys?" One pestered about.
"Yah, they're really rare."
"Wait, do you have any gold keys?" They asked.

"What if I do?" I crossed my arms.
"Whoa, that would be cool. How many gold keys do you have?!"
"10." I answered.

They're mouths dropped. Here we go again. At least they've forgotten their initiative of trying to lure me in with their lies.
"We have arrived Crocus, I repeat. We have arrived in Crocus. All departing leave through the side doors." The announcer spoke.

It's was time for me to leave. However, not without leaving a gift.
"Leaving already?"
"What's that smell-"
"Ah!!!- fire!"
"That girl is gone?!"
"Dammit! Hurry take out the fire!"
I came out of the station laughing and giggling as I made my way down Court Street and into the Clover Field. Where circus tents stood tall like colorful castles.

"Nashi! You're here! Hurry hurry! You'll be late!" A circus actor pulled me into the tent.
As a Dragon Slayer, they hired me for stunts. Eating Fire, lighting myself on fire. Stuff like that.
They changed me into these loose clothing and tied my pink hair up.
I asked if I could wear my scarf, they didn't allow it. The scarf was given to me by Dad on my 7th birthday.

I was the opening act. Called the Fire Freak. I really didn't care as long as I was the one who kept the money rolling in, I would get most of the profit.
"Here she is, she's 16 and the one who will be performing, give it up for the Fire Freak!" Said the man in a black beard and mustache.

I came out and everyone waled, screamed and clapped. I stood in the middle, beside me was a fire lamp. The crowd was silent. I carried the fire into my mouth and swallowed. Then sucked it in.
There was gasp and claps that followed.
Next, I wakes over to the podium, jumped into a hand stand, as they poured a gas onto me, and lit me on fire.
Shouts came as well as wales of amazement. I started to walk around, still in a hand stand, showing off. I was like a human marshmallow.

Being torched, but not getting burned.
"Give it up for the Fire Freak!" Everyone clapped and cheered. At the end I ate the flames but, they weren't as tasty at all.

I was in the back, changing into my regular clothes. "Nice Job!" They praised. "You're not going to stay long?"
"No, sorry. I'm going to visit my Mom." I smiled and waved good-bye.
At the cemetery, I stood In front of her grave. For so long, I have seen trying to figure out if Lucy's death had another cause. Rumors flew..and I ended up hearing another story.

"I took out my gold keys and silver."
I placed them on her grave and said.

"Open gates of the Zodiac."

This glow of bright light blinded me.
When it stopped, what stood there were my moms zodiacs. I felt immense magic energy pouring out of me, fatigue striking. But it didn't matter, I want them to be here with mom.

"Miss, Nashi, how are you doing?" Capricorn asked. "I see that private training has paid off, no?"
"I'm great. And yeah, it's been really helpful. And yourself?" I asked, my hands becoming slightly numb.

"Terrific. Thank you for allowing us to see your Mother." He added.
"Death anniversaries are always giving me glooms." Loke patted my back, "thank you though."

Virgo hammered down on his head.
"How are you doing, Princess? Virgo asked.
"Great, fine." I smiled.

They each said there prayers and then added a gold spark to her grave, it wore off minutes later. Aquarius was the one who took the longest. She had this irritated expression that was about to blow but, she sighed as a result instead.
"Thanks for coming!" I bowed my head.
"No, thank you..ebi..I was able to to see Lucy, ebi.." Cancer thanked.

Plue sat on Lucy's grave and smiled towards me. "Puuuuuunnn" he said.
"Just like her mother.. Leaves the keys in her child's care." Aquarius pointed out. "But it's nice to see, Lucy." She lightly looked pleased.

"You must be getting tired from opening all the keys at once, we will be going back to our world, the king sends his regards." Loke said

"Okay, tell him I said thank you."
"Alright, bye Nashi."
They all waved and then disappeared. I turned around you look at my Mom's grave to witness a spark that still glowed brightly.
I lost my footing and fell back. I need to work on my magic concentration more often. But it's worth it.

Suddenly, the wind picked up and the tree branches started to sway and the sun began to set. This feeling like my mom was watching, crying.

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