Distrust & Mercy

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When I had woken up. They were gone. Just like what they said. However, it made me think that all of this, was actually a dream.

On my way back, I checked the time while I passed some shops. I was out like a night light for 3 hours. The sun didn't wait for me, it was retiring for the day.
When I made it back to the guild, everyone was minding there own business like usual.

"I'm back." I announced and waved.
"Yo, Nashi. Your old mans lookin for yah." Romeo hollered out.
His words were true. A demon rose from his seat and stamped his feet on the ground. I gulped and retreated back. He's not usually this-

"Nashi! Where have you been?!" Dad pulled me into his arms and tightly held me. Without giving me time to breathe. Was there a reason why he was embracing me so suddenly?

"Dad! Let go." I released myself from his grasp and saw that other guild members had their eyes on us. "Are you trying to embarrass me?" I said.

Don't make a scene!

"Where were you!" He brushed off my question and demanded to know. "I was worried!" He shook his head.

I looked over at Makarov and shrugged.
"I tried." He spoke, "he's a tough one."
He was no help. Argh...if dad didn't listen to Makarov, why would he listen to me?

"Nashi." He looked at me sternly.
"What? I was out-"
"Nashi. Don't lie to me." He crossed his arms.

Everyone is staring now.
I'm not a child for your entertainment. This isn't puberty or some kind of rebellion.

But honestly! Some nerve! I couldn't believe what I was hearing!
"What do you expect from me?!" I flailed my arms, "I was out in town. Did I do something wrong?!"
It hit me so suddenly. However, it felt like an actual argument between a parent and their child. What was he trying to do here? Act like an actual father to me?! I don't need that kind of thing anymore.
I'm fine on my own. I've always been fine on my own!

Then Dad nose flared and sniffed the air around us. "Why do you smell like-"
Out of nowhere he crouched over and started to cough. I've never seen him react like this before.

"Dad!" I leaned down and when I offered my hand but he slapped it away. He slapped my hands away.
"D-dad...?" I stumbled on feet, retreating and held myself up with the table beside me.
His own actions shocked himself as well.

"Whoa! Chill Natsu!" The guild members began to shout and comment.
"Nastu! What do you think you're doing! Wendy came over, slapping the side of his head.
He didn't say anything.

"Nashi are you okay?" Wendy hugged my soulless body and brushed the hair out of my face. I was speechless, everything was happening so fast.

"She smells like Igneel..." Nastu finally spoke.
"What are you talking about?" Wendy leaned in and sniffed me too.
I saw the same expression on her face.
"Grandeeney...." Even Wendy back away.
"What's the fuss?" Gray stormed into the inner circle and gazed around. "Ganging up on Nashi?"

"It's faint, but I can smell Metalicana." Gajeel joined as the scent of her clothing dulled the guilds atmosphere.
"Why do you smell like Dragons..?" Natsu said standing back up. Anger boiled in his eyes mixed with confusion.

"What do you mean? I-I just-"
"Where were you today!" He exclaimed.
"I was around town-"
"Nashi, now's not the time to deceive me!" Dad barked.
"Natsu, I think you should settle down. You're scaring her." Makarov intervened.

For the first time, I never felt so distant from dad. Hates me. He thinks I'm lying.
"Dad...Do you even trust me? I covered the tears that rolled down my eyes. I might as well be a water dragon slayer. Turn into nothing and simmer away like a useless gas.

"Have you always steered hatred towards me? Am I just a burden? A reminder that killed-"

"Don't say it!" He looked pitifully worried for me. You don't have the right to worry about someone like me at this point. You don't see me as your daughter. You see me as the person who took mom away.

"Is it hard to smile at your own flesh and blood?" I betrayed my own emotions as I myself, tried to smile as brightly as I could. However, it shattered.

"N-Nashi. I've never thought of you as a burden-"
"Y-You can stop lying...I don't want to hear excuses." I looked at the ground as tears pelted on the guild floor.
"I was out in town. Dozed off and I overslept. That's why I was late. I didn't intend to stay out for that long without telling you." I confessed.

"Nashi..." Dad tried to come close.
"Don't come near me!" I shouted.
I wrapped my arm around me, on both shoulders crossing and sobbed. I stood there with my head down. I felt like trash... Like nothing.

"Nashi.." He tried to reach for my arm and I swayed back from him. This cold thrashing feeling washed over me. All over my body. I couldn't move.
Freezing. I couldn't move as my body was nailed in place. Why was it cold? When I opened my eyes slowly, a wall of ice blocked dad from me. Before I knew it, I was blocked off from everyone else. This ice shell that surround me. Caging me.

W-what was happening! More ice started to layer onto me and it no longer felt cold.
"GHAH!" Fierce agony struck through me and I looked down to see that a thick icicle had impaled me.

"Nashi!" Dad hands burned in flames and his punches rammed against the ice shell.
Before I knew it. Everyone joined to help.
The ice started to devour me entirely. I could even sense my hands frosting up.
Not even Gray could dispel it.

Suddenly, a warm gust freed me. My dad held me in his arms as my body laid motionless on the ground. Everything felt numb.
"Nashi! Nashi!" He called out.

My body felt heavy...I felt the cold rush again. My scarf couldn't even warm me up. Dads scarf couldn't warm me up this time.
I slowly open my eyes, to see that I'm in the upstairs infirmary of the guild. I sat up straight and noticed my Dad, with his head on the side of the bed sleeping.

"I see you're up." Wendy leaned on the door.
"Yah..." I slightly nodded my head.
"I'm sorry." I apologized.
"No. We should apologize for looking at you like a monster." She said walking over." Natsu was pretty shaken up."
I gazed over at him.

"I won't pester you on where you were. However, I must ask." Wendy leaned against the wall.
"What is it?"
"Were you aware that the ice, came from your own hands?"
I looked back at dad. "I'm not sure." I shook my head. "It just happened like that.
"It's okay. Just rest." Wendy pulled the covers over me and I laid back down.

I've thought about what joy it would bring them if I had told them the truth. Though, I would betray the dragons words.
Instead of sleeping I stayed awake. I looked out the window, while I laid. Until the moon lit the night sky and the stars began to dance.

Then I hear the rustling of my dad moving. Waking from his sleep. I deceitfully shut my eyes and pretended to be sleeping.
I felt a perk of a kiss on my forehead.
His last words before he left was, "I love you Nashi, I'm sorry."

My eyes started well up and tears streamed down my cheeks. "I'm sorry too..."

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