Chapter 45: Family

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Taehyung POV

"What's so bad about Lexi that you had to be so harsh on her?" I snap as soon as my mother picks up the phone.

"Watch that tone of yours, young man. You're speaking to your mother, Taehyung." She responds, equally angered.

"I don't give a damn who the hell you are to me. You've hurt Lexi and insulted her. She's my fiancée and you don't even want her back in the house ever again. That's not like you, and I want to know why you did that." I tell her, not caring how much I'm upsetting her.

I want answers. I want Lexi to stop hurting so much. I want Lexi to stop blaming herself and doubting herself so much.

"Taehyung..." She trails with a sigh. I shake my head though.

"Don't Taehyung me. I want answers. You've never acted that way towards anyone I've ever introduced you to. I want to know why the hell you did it." I say, trying to control my anger.

"She's not the first girl you've brought home, Taehyung. You know that. I'm tired of you bringing home girls and once they've grown comfortable with us she leaves you. I'm tired of you bringing home girls who only end up hurting you. Relationships that never last. Although, the girls you tend to bring home also tend to be much more revealing and with very little manners." She answers with another sigh. I clench my hand into a fist, trying not to lose control over the things she's saying.

"She's nothing like any of those girls though, Mom. How could you not see that? She's nothing but kind and selfless and sweet. She wanted to leave the damn house because she didn't want to cause problems between me and all of you! For fucks sake, she's better than even what I deserve and you treated her like shit! Besides, I told you. We're getting married, Mom. She's not leaving me and I can promise you that she's not using me either." I burst.

"I know... I could see just how much she meant to you and how much you seemed to mean to her. She definitely was the best girl you've brought home yet. I just wasn't sure until you two left, Tae. I didn't want you with someone who doesn't also care about your family and your relationship with us, who had no respect for any of us either. I'm sorry for being so cruel, Tae." She explains.

I almost instantly facepalm myself at her words. It was all just a fucking test to her?!

"Yeah, well try explaining that one to her. She's fucking torn over how you treated her. You have no idea what the hell you've done to her just because you wanted to 'test' her." I snap angrily, feeling so much pain swelling in my chest for Lexi. She got put through hell just to be told that she's actually none of the things she's already been told twice now. My poor baby.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. How about if we all come up one day after the holidays are over to apologize ourselves?" She offers. I sigh, ruffling my hair frustratedly.

"Fine. But you damn well better come ready to try and fix the damage you've caused. I need to talk to Minsae now." I answer, not feeling much better now than I did before the call.

"Taehyung! What's up?" I soon hear my sisters voice through the phone.

"What the hell was your problem with Lexi?" I snap, not bothering to waste my time nor breath on small talk with her. She sighs in response.

"Seriously? You're still going on about her, Tae?" She questions.

"I'm not leaving her and I'm fucking marrying her, Minsae. Why the hell were you so rude to her?" I ask again.

"Because I'm tired of you constantly getting hurt. Every single time you've brought a girl home, you only end up hurt a few weeks later because they've left you. I hate seeing you hurt, Tae." She answers. I'm silent for a moment, thinking of how to respond.

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