Chapter 3: A Little Quicker

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Taking a deep breath, I bite my lip nervously as I look out the window as we wait at the airport for our airplane to arrive. To say that I'm extremely nervous and worried right now would be an understatement.

We've already taken me home to say goodbye to my sister and dogs. I tried to say goodbye to my parents, but they both were extremely pissed the moment I walked in the door with the boys right behind me. After Jimin explained why I'm here though, I at least understand now why my father never wanted me listening to kpop or BTS.

It was hard to say goodbye to my sister though. Her and I had grown close this last summer before I went back to college, bonding over our shared annoyance with our parent and our love for kpop and BTS.

"You seem worried." Tae says softly as he sits down beside me with a small smile. The boys have all been messing around since we got to our gate for the plane, meanwhile I've been sat here thinking over everything.

"Yeah well. Can you blame me?" I tell him, smiling softly as I look over at him. I'm a little surprised he actually came over to talk with me after everything this evening. With Jimin not wanting him around me and then my snapping at Jimin earlier over the fact that either he'd have to let them be around me and be able to touch me - respectfully - or I'd make him abide by his own rules that he sets for the others.

"I used to worry about everything too. I've actually been doing it quite a bit again recently, if I'm being honest." He informs me quietly. I frown looking at him in confusion.

"Why though?" I ask with a small frown. He smiles over at me, before glancing back over at the boys for a moment.

"Before everything happened with Jimin and Jungkook over working themselves and wearing themselves down. The things that had been revealed when we did the Burn the Stage episodes? Back when we were still trainees and just recently debuted, I was the one who worried about everything and over thought everything.

"I'd be embarrassed to have to practice with them. Being the last one to join before Jimin, I was so embarrassed and didn't want any of them judging me since they were so good and already had practice in. I wasn't that talented and was always worried they'd decide to kick me out of the band since I wasn't as good. I wouldn't shower with anyone whenever they decided we'd double up on showers to be quicker. I'd stay up extra late to practice on my own so that I could get better.

"It took until I broke down one day, a couple months after we debuted because I messed up in front of them. I was so embarrassed and it was over something small. After hearing them all encouraging me though, telling me that I was just as important and just as good as the rest of them. That was when I finally stopped worrying so much." He explains quietly.

I give him a small smile, placing my hand on his knee to provide small comfort. He looks back over at me, smiling.

"Why've you been worrying so much again then?" I ask curiously. His smile fades slightly as he looks back over at the others.

"Being in the spotlight so much isn't exactly the easiest thing to handle. I don't want to let the others down. They've all been improving so much and I don't feel like I've been improving as much. I don't want to let them down. Disappoint them. I don't want to let the fans down either though. I feel like I've not got as much to contribute lately though. It's hard." He informs me.

As he looks back over at me, his smile is smaller this time. Though, there's still a bit of lightness in his eyes.

"You shouldn't worry so much, Tae. It's not worth it." I tell him. He gives me a curious look in return.

"Why do you say that?" He asks, sounding intrigued. I smile, looking down at the floor.

"Life isn't as much fun when all you do is worry. It's not worth the energy that gets wasted on it. As long as you're yourself, that's all that matters. As long as you're yourself, honestly happy and taking care of yourself. That's what's important. It's what's matters most in general, and it's what the fans care about most.

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