Chapter 33: If You Need Anything

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I frown, groaning softly as I curl further into Taehyung. It's the next day and he's trying to convince me that it's time to go talk to the others. He chuckles, rubbing my back as I practically cling to him.

"Baby, it's got to be done eventually. They're all hanging together right now in Namjoon's room anyways. You're not going to be any more ready if we waited another three days like originally planned anyways." He persuades. Closing my eyes as I turn my head up towards him, I pout in response knowing he's right.

"Can't you just go tell them and deal with it without me?" I complain softly, letting my head fall back to his chest. He chuckles once more, shaking his head at me.

"Baby, as much as I'd like to do it for you, you know I can't. Come on, it won't be that bad. I'll be right beside you the entire time." He says with a soft smile. I sigh, knowing all of it should be fairly true.

"Can we wait just one more hour? I'm comfy like this." I murmur softly as I wrap my arms around his waist loosely. He smiles before I feel him kiss the top of my head.

"Of course, beautiful." He whispers, rubbing my back gently.

And that's exactly what we do for the next hour. Laying on the bed, me laying on top of Taehyung who's simply left in just his workout shorts that he tends to sleep in whilst I'm merely in one of his tee shirts plus my undergarments.

No, nothing happened and we've not doing anything since the night I remembered, but this tends to be how we're dressed when just hanging in the hotel room.

My head is rested on his chest as I listen to his heartbeat quietly, helping me ease up a bit from the nerves that want to course through my body with lightning speed at having to tell everyone. He's got one arm placed behind his head to prop it slightly while the other drapes over my back and draws light random patterns.

Though, the hour soon goes by far quicker than I would've liked it too. I'm nearly asleep by the time the hour has passed, probably not the best thing considering it'll make me much whinier and oppositional should any issues arise.

"Come on, beautiful." He says softly, offering his hand out to me once we're both dressed enough to leave the room to see the boys. I've merely got on gray sweats with a dark purple tank top, going barefoot as we head over to Namjoon's room.

"Hey, you two! Come on in." Namjoon greets us happily after Tae knocks on the door.

"Lexi, how're you doing today?" He asks kindly as we enter into the main area of his room.

"I'm okay. I actually have something that I needed to tell everyone." I answer softly, looking down nervously. However, with Jimin being farthest away from us where we're stood and the quiet volume of my voice, he seems to miss my words as he stands with a ducked head and begins to head out past us.

"Jimin, where do you think you're going?" Namjoon questions with a frown, turning back just in time to catch him by the arm. Tae pulls me closer to his side as he brings us over to one of the beds in Namjoon's room so that we can sit, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jin sitting on the other bed while Jungkook is sat on the large windowsill in between the bed we're sat on and the chair that Jimin had been sat in.

"No, you're not going anywhere right now. Besides, Lexi said she had something she wanted to tell everyone. That includes you, Park Jimin." Namjoon informs him before pulling him back into the main section of the room.

"Just sit back down, Jimin. There's no reason for you to stand and make her anxious. Besides, you've got nowhere to be anytime soon anyways." Yoongi scolds the younger boy. Jimin sighs but does as told, sitting back down in the chair he'd been in. Namjoon takes his seat on the bed against its headboard as they all turn towards us.

"So what'd you wanna talk to us about, Lexi? Everything okay?" Jin asks curiously, seeming oblivious to what it could be. Yoongi and Hoseok wear supportive knowing smiles as they wait for me to speak, Namjoon and Kookie wearing looks of content suspicion.

Biting my lip gently, I look around the room. Gazing around the seven boys sat in the room patiently waiting for the information I have for them, my gaze lingers a few seconds longer on Jimin lastly before dropping my head. I feel Tae take my hand in his and give it a light squeeze with a small smile.

"I remember everything..." I inform them quietly. It takes me probably a good minute before having the courage to look up at the very silent boys. Yoongi and Hoseok just wear smiles of approval, Jungkook and Namjoon smiling almost triumphantly, while Jin and Jimin wear expressions of surprise.

"When did you finally remember everything?" Jin asks curiously, a smile on his face as he seems fairly happy with the newfound information. Swallowing hard, I look over to Tae in question of how I'm meant to answer that exactly. Though, I can see the answer in his eyes that I was afraid of... the truth.

"The first show you guys had here in London." I answer softly. While Jungkook and Namjoon seemed to have had a feeling that were the case, they have slight looks of disapproval while Jin and Jimin wear expressions of confusion and hurt.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Jungkook asks gently. Biting my lip, I drop my head as I feel tears beginning to form. Though, Tae wraps his arm around my waist as he pulls me closer to his side once more.

"She didn't mean any harm by it, guys. She was just nervous is all. She didn't know how exactly to tell all of you and she was worried as to how you'd all react." Taehyung half lies for me. Pulling my legs up and nearly tucking them beneath me, I curl further into his side.

"Still. You should've told us sooner. Do you have any idea how worried we've been about how long it was going to take you to remember?" Jimin scolds unhappily as he glares over at the two of us. I lower my head slightly, already having a bad feeling about how this is going to go.

"Jimin..." Jin says with a warning tone in his voice.

"No, it's not cool. You should've told us when you finally remembered everything! Not only did we have to go an entire month worrying like hell about you, wondering where the hell you were and if you were okay, but then we had to go almost a full week of you just laying there unconscious in the hospital! Only to have you wake up and only fucking remember Taehyung! Not even your own damn brother! Was it actually even the show when you remembered or was it sooner than that?!" Jimin says angrily, his voice rising in volume as he continues speaking.

"It was while you guys were performing that first show... Halfway through it actually." I whisper, not looking up as tears begin to fall.

"Jimin, stop it. You said you wanted to fix things with them and you're not making your situation better." Hobi tries to calm my angered brother.

"Why am I always the one being fucking scolded?! Why am I always the bad guy?! Can you seriously blame me for being unhappy that she hid the fact that she remembered everything?! For the fact that I've been worried sick about her for the last month and a half now?! And all I've gotten to do since she woke up is just fuck one of my best friends when it was the last thing I wanted her doing in the first place?!" He bursts.

Having enough, I nearly fall as I push myself off the bed to head out of the room. I've got my head ducked as tears continue falling, refusing to look up at anyone as I head for the door. Though, I make it only halfway across the spacious room before I feel arms wrap tightly around my waist and a head duck down onto my shoulder.

"Baby, where do you think you're going? We aren't having a possible repeat of last time." Tae questions softly in my ear before kissing my tear stained cheek.

"Just going to the room, Tae. I was nearly asleep before we came in here to begin with. I just wanna go lie down for a bit rather than have to stay in here with all of this." I cry quietly, letting my body relax back against his. He sighs but nods, reaching up to rub my tears away a bit before kissing my cheek once more.

"Text me if you need anything, beautiful. I'll be there in a little bit, okay? Just need to finish up here first." He tells me quietly. I nod my head, turning and kissing his cheek as well before he releases me. With that, I exit the room and head back to ours. Sadly though, having now dealt with all of that, I'm no longer as tired as I was before and it takes me a while before I've managed to cry myself to sleep.

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