Chapter 18: Solved At Another Time

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After we grabbed our drinks from the café and made our way to the park, we're now stood at the middle of the bridge overlooking the small pond that it stretches over. For as tired as I am though, I'm wide awake at the moment. Worried for how this conversation is going to go and what all he wants to discuss, I'm not looking forward to it.

"Lexi, why have you become so upset with me?" He finally speaks up quietly, glancing down at me.

"I don't want to talk about this, Taehyung." I answer softly, looking down at the drink in my hands. He sighs, setting his drink down on the flat railing of the bridge as he turns to face me. I glance up at him for a second before looking away again, keeping my entire body facing the scenery in front of me.

"Lexi?" He says so quietly that I almost miss it. I glance up at him once again before returning my gaze to the pond.

"You know Jimin hyung doesn't want us together." He whispers a few seconds later. I feel my heart rate pick up at his words, looking over at him in surprise this time.

"What're you going on about, Taehyung?" I question, trying to keep the panic and surprise out of my voice as I speak. He just smiles down at me though, putting his hand to my cheek to keep me from looking away this time.

"Did you forget who you're talking to, cutie? You know you can't lie to me. It might've taken me a couple days, but I caught the fact that you've not called me Tae once since I said we were only friends. You got mad at me by the time we were back at the house that night and you've not wanted to speak to me since. And while I'm sure you greatly opposed my suggestion to skip your workout the next day and to talk with Jimin, I know you're not just going to quit talking to me altogether over me suggesting those things just once." He points out.

I bite my lip, looking down in response. I'm embarrassed that he's caught me, but also hurt that he's doing it this way. I know I'm in the wrong, but he could've done this in a kinder way...

"You want to know the only reason I even said that we were only friends in the first place?" He whispers, leaning down to catch my attention. Glaring hard at the ground, I don't want to hear his teasing any longer. Taking the last bit of self dignity and pride I have left, I drop the cup of tea in my hands as I shove him away with tears in my eyes.

"You don't have to explain, Taehyung. You don't have to be so damn cruel, okay?" I inform him with a shaky voice, my voice a pitch or two higher due to being on the verge of crying. Shaking my head at him, I turn on my heel and begin to walk away. As the tears begin falling, I use one hand to wipe away at them, not caring if I get mascara and eyeliner all over my hand and wrist.

However, I don't get far before arms wrap tightly around me, picking me up. I scream out, crying at this point, to be put to down. Though, as he sets me down, he immediately spins me around so that I'm facing him. Before I have a chance to do anything at all though, I feel his lips press to mine.

He doesn't give me enough time though to process what's going on and do anything about it, before pulling away. It's only then that I realize he's got one hand on my waist and the other on my jaw as his thumb rubs across my tear stained cheek. At this point, I'm at a complete loss of words as I look up at him in confusion. Though, he merely gives me a small smile.

"Cutie, I only said that so that I wouldn't have to admit that I was jealous. I didn't mean to hurt you in anyway or suggest anything at all. I was just embarrassed for being jealous when I had no right to be." He explains gently. I don't even know how I'm supposed to respond to that. I'm not happy that he only said it for that reason, but at the same time, I'm relieved. All I can muster in response is a small huffy breath and a pout, causing him to chuckle and pull me into his chest in a hug.

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