Chapter 40: My Major Fuck Up

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Taehyung POV

All I can do is just watch as she walks away from me, leaving into her room without another word. I feel my heart just shatter as she closed the door behind her.

I don't even realize it when my legs give out from below me, falling to the floor as I stare at the floor in front of me. I can feel the tears falling down my cheeks but it's barely a noticeable feeling at this point. I'm completely numb.

"You're a fucking asshole, Kim Taehyung. I've been trying not to yell at you all damn week in hopes that you'd get your shit together, but you haven't. Do you have any idea how much pain you've caused her this week? It's the last thing she needed to come back home to on Monday too, after how things went at my parents house. You're fucking unbelievable." Jimin snaps before stalking down the hallway and knocking on Lexi's door. I'm even more surprised when I see the door open as she lets him in.

I can faintly hear her heart wrenching sobs from where I'm at on the floor just at the end of the hallway. I can hardly even bring myself to speak anything right now. I... I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do now... Looking up at the hyungs, Yoongi shakes his head me with a frown.

"I may be in on what you were planning to do tonight, Tae. I did warn you though, that you weren't spending enough time with her this week. Jimin and I both have had to go into her room in the middle of the night to comfort her because she's busy sobbing and tossing and turning in her bed, whimpering for you. I understand you've been nervous for tonight, but you completely neglected her all week since she got back with Jimin." Yoongi informs me with a frown.

I feel my heart shatter even more. She's been crying out for me in her sleep?

"I'm not gonna lie, Tae. I'm not too surprised this happened. And I can't say I blame her either." Hobi says softly.

Curling myself into a ball, I begin pulling at my hair as I start crying myself. My hands tangle into my hair and I mess it all up, unbelievably frustrated with myself for having been so blind and stupid. No wonder she was worried when I went to help her find clothes to wear to Jimin's parents house. I'd decided that morning that I wanted to do this, and the nerves hit me almost straight away once I told her I wanted to take her out.

Not being able to stand my frustration with myself, I push myself up off the floor and storm out of the house. I ruffle my hair continuously as I walk to wherever the hell my feet are taking me, not knowing what the fuck I'm going to do now.

I've never seen the anger and pain in her eyes as intense as it was tonight. Even towards Jimin, she's never appeared so angry and hurt. The fact that I know I'm the one to cause that pain and anger, the fact that it was all directed at me, only kills me even more.

It was hard enough trying to make things up to her after I fucked up with Ara before tour. Even then she wasn't as hurt and angry with me as she was tonight. I don't know how I'm going to make it up to her. All I know is I have to make it up in some way. I can't let her go. I can't lose her.

Wandering through the streets, I eventually take a seat at a table outside some random café somewhere. Dropping my head into my hands, I begin crying all over again. I've never wanted to fix something so much and be so lost on how the hell to do exactly that.

Shaking my head to myself, I eventually find myself walking into a bar. I don't even care anymore, heading up to the counter.

"What can I get you?" He asks curiously as he dries off a glass.

"I dunno. Something good." I mutter as I drop my head back into my hands for what feels like the millionth time already.

"I think you're in the wrong place for that, son." The man chuckles as he places the glass away. I frown, looking up at him in confusion.

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