Chapter 13: Hurting Me The Most

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Groaning tiredly as I feel my shoulder being shaken, I weakly swat away at whoever's bothering me now. Hearing Tae chuckle, he attempts once more before I just grab hold of his hand and let my arm fall limp once more so that he can't keep trying to wake me.

Hearing him sigh, I hear jumbled speaking before I feel someone pick me up. As I feel whoever's now carrying me begin to walk, I whine slightly at the movement and just curl into their chest further.

"My goodness, Chae. How much sleep have you been getting?" I ever so faintly hear Jimin mumble. Sticking my tongue out with a small pout, I instantly receive the sound of Taehyung laughing. Smiling slightly, I go back to ignoring the world until I feel myself get sat down into a couch.

Huffing in annoyance, I finally bother to snap my eyes open with a glare. However, I then remember what day it is and what's going on in the first place.

"Aw, no. Lexi, you were supposed to stay asleep." Tae pouts from the far side of the room as Jimin walks away. I just roll my eyes at him, shaking my head as I rub my face tiredly.

"Maybe if you weren't staying out stupidly late, you wouldn't be so tired." Jimin comments as he sits down to have someone start doing his hair and makeup. I roll my eyes, glaring at him.

I don't say anything though, running a hand through my hair. Tae waves to me, getting my attention before tossing me a bag. Frowning in confusion, I look in it before realizing he'd grabbed clothes and my makeup for me. I smile up at him gratefully before heading off to the bathroom that's connected to change.

Pulling the clothes out, he grabbed me dark washed capri length jeans, a white tank top with a maroon short sleeved cardigan, and my black converse. A small smile pulls onto my lips as I quickly get changed into the outfit before returning to the main area of the dressing room I'm in with be boys.

I'm lucky Tae actually grabbed clothes for me before we left. I must've fallen asleep on my bed after showering when I finished my workout.

Grabbing makeup out of the bag next, I go over to one of the free spots at the large mirrors in the room and begin working on that. Other stylists are working on getting Jimin, Jungkook, and Namjoon fixed up with their makeup and hair while I work on myself.

"Are we almost ready? You guys are supposed to be going on in ten minutes." One of the stage crew announces as he peaks his head in the door a few minutes later. The stylists widen their eyes at him before glaring at the boys.

"No! We're just finishing up on the first three and there's still four more to go!" One of them snaps in panic.

"I can help, if you'd like? I'm completely ready at this point." I offer softly. Jimin rolls his eyes in the mirror as he hops out of his seat for it to be filled with Jin.

"Chae, let the stylists do their job. There's a reason they're here and we weren't hear an hour ago for you to do it." He tells me as he takes a seat on one of the couches, pulling out his phone.

"Here. You can do my makeup and hair, Lexi. That way they only have to handle Yoongi hyung and Hobi hyung after Jin hyung." Tae offers as he hops into a free seat.

One of the other stylists pushes her things closer to me so that I have things to use as I gingerly begin doing his makeup and hair. I catch Jimin roll his eyes when he glances up to see me actually doing Taehyung's makeup.

"Don't think about that right now. Just worry about what you're doing and about being yourself. Okay? That can be handled later." Tae says softly as I work on his hair, seeming to have caught Jimin's eye roll as well. I just sigh, biting my lip as I continue working on his hair.

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