Chapter 31: The Right Decisions

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"You're all sweaty again." I giggle softly, looking down at Tae with a small smile. He chuckles, leaning up and kissing my cheek.

"I knowwww. I showered before this too." He whines as he tosses his head back onto the pillow.

"This is your fault, you know." He says with a small smirk as he looks up at me. Eyes widening, I shake my head.

"How is this my fault?" I question as hair falls into my face. I just frown as I look up at the hair that's now in my eyes.

"Because you make me love you way too much." He chuckles, tucking my hair behind my ear so it's not in my face anymore.

"I can't make you love anyone. That's your own damn fall." I giggle with a grin. He just rolls his eyes with a smile.

"Come on. Let's go get washed up so that we can actually get some sleep tonight." He says, pushing us into a sitting position.

As much as I'd like to argue us showering together, I can't exactly do that after what we just did. I'd have absolutely no argument to it other than being my still mildly shy and self conscious self, to which he'd argue much better points than what I'd be able to fight back.

"Tae?" I ask softly as he gently washes my back. He hums in response before actually speaking.

"Yes, baby?" He answers curiously, leaning forward to kiss my cheek. I give him a small smile as I look back at him. Though, returning to face forward, the smile falls.

"Can we please not tell the others that I remember yet?" I ask quietly. He stays silent for a minute, though his motions don't stop.

"Why don't you wanna tell them yet? They'd be so excited to know you finally remember." He says.

"Yes, but Jimin... Once we say something, he going to try and keep us apart again..." I explain.

"Lexi,... Jimin apologized... He apologized to me two weeks after you went missing. He feels terrible for the things he said to both of us that night... He even approved of our relationship, baby." Tae informs me softly.

"Tae, that was after I went missing though. He only said those things because I wasn't around and because I was missing. I don't believe that if we tell him I remember everything again, that he would still be okay with us being together." I tell him honestly.

"Lexi, he was heartbroken when you didn't remember anyone but me..." He reminds me.

"It's only more reason he'd want us apart..." I answer, honestly seeing it that way. Tae sighs from behind me but kisses my shoulder.

"Okay, baby. Whatever you want as long as your happy." He whispers, stopping what he's doing for a moment to hug me from behind as he rests his chin on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry." I apologize quietly. He frowns, looking up at me in confusion.

"Baby, what're you apologizing for?" He questions.

"It's a selfish request and a selfish reason not to tell them. I just want to be able to enjoy being able to be with you whenever for at least a little bit longer.

"I'm certainly not complaining, Lexi. But we can tell them in a week, yeah?" He suggests. Smiling over at him, I nod before kissing his cheek.

"Okay." I whisper.

"What'd you think, Lexi?" Namjoon asks as they finish up the song they were running through the next evening. They've all had to take to calling me either Alexis or Lexi since I hadn't originally remembered that my birth name had actually been Chaemin.

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