Chapter 39: Love Is A Lie, Lie

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"Chae?" Hobi calls from outside my door. I don't answer, instead doing work on my laptop in my room. I've been working from home all week long since it's the week before Christmas.

I've hardly spoken to anyone since we got back from Jimin's parents house. His father's words continuously running through my head. The only reason I've even managed to get any sleep at all this week is from the fact that I'm slowly losing energy as I get further along in this damned pregnancy. Even Tae has hardly been speaking to me. Instead, constantly with all the others with the exception of Jimin and having hushed conversations.

It's the most silent I've been around the house since I moved here, the most I've been around the house as well. I know my lack of communication and hiding in my room as much as I have been is driving Jimin absolutely crazy. He's worried like hell about me, though I can't exactly blame him either. Things didn't go down well with his parents and I've practically locked myself up and become silent since.

It hurts though. It hurts like fucking hell. Out of everyone in this goddamned house, it's my brother, who I didn't start off on good terms with on multiple accounts, that's been the most worried about me. Hell, for that matter, Tae hardly even seems to notice. I've not seen him at all since we got back unless he's in the living room with the others when I leave my room to get food. And even then, he hardly even notices I exist.

It's Friday, and he had said he'd wanted to take me out on a date today. I don't even fucking know if that's going to happen by this point. I'm not entirely sure that I care if it does or not though to be quite honest. I don't know that it really matters. Regardless of if he takes me out or not, it's still going to hurt like hell.

On one hand, I'm going to be hurt and pissed if he takes me out. He's been ignoring me all fucking week and now he'd want to take me out and act like I suddenly exist again? Though, it'd still hurt all the same if he doesn't. It'd essentially just confirm the fact that he's forgotten I even fucking exist like how he's been treating me this week.

The only person I've let in this week is Jimin. And that's only been a total of three times and not for long either. I just couldn't help myself at those times though. I'd let him in and I'd just start sobbing my heart out. I'm hurt from what his father said. I'm hurt that his father would even dare raise a hand on his own son. I'm hurt that Taehyung out of everyone in this house is acting like I don't exist. I'm hurt that it's the one person I've struggled with most since coming here that's been most worried about me.

Explain to me why the fuck any of that would make sense?! It went from my boyfriend being the one who worried about me and cared about me most, to my own fucking brother who's been the one person I've struggled with most since moving here. And I've been at probably an all time low for myself this week.

With anger and hurt brewing inside me, I slam my laptop closed. Hobi is still knocking on my door but I don't really care. I throw on some black cross up leggings, a gray hoodie and a black jean jacket over it that's actually fairly insulating, and pull a gray beanie on over my hair.

Checking the time on my phone, it's only one in the afternoon. Regardless of whether we go out or not, he wanted to leave at seven. I've got plenty of time.

Slipping on my sneakers, I slip my phone into my pocket as well as my earbuds before opening my door. Hobi stands there in surprise that I actually opened it but frowns when he sees that I'm actually dressed to leave the house. I don't say anything as I walk down the hallway towards the living room.

"Chae? Where are you headed? What's going on?" Jimin jumps up from the couch worriedly. Taehyung is also there in the living room, but he's talking quietly with Jin and Yoongi on the far couch though. And despite being faced in my direction, he doesn't even once glance over at me.

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