Chapter 35: Stop Fucking Up

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Sighing as I close my laptop, I run a hand through my hair. It's been almost a full week since I've spoken to any of the boys with the exception of Taehyung. I won't speak with them and hardly give them a chance to say anything.

With a knock at the door, I just roll my eyes before glancing over at Tae. He gives me a saddened smile, kissing my cheek before getting up from the bed to go see who it is and what they want. We're in Spain now, one of the new locations that I managed to book for the boys two months ago now.

Jimin POV

Knocking on their door, I don't even have to guess to know who's going to end up opening the door. And when it opens to reveal Taehyung, I'm not in the slightest bit surprised.

"What's up, hyung?" He asks with a small frown. I just motion for him to follow me into the hallway a bit so that we can speak. It's been almost a week since Chae's given anyone other than Tae a chance to speak to her. It's gotten to the point where it's killing me now and I desperately need her to give me a chance to apologize. I want my sister back.

"I need your help, Tae. You're the only one she listens to and I desperately want to apologize to her. Please, Tae. Please convince her to give me a chance." I practically beg once he exits the room completely. He sighs, running a hand through his hair.

"Hyung... I don't know..." He says hesitantly, slowly bringing his gaze back up to look at me. I can feel the tears begin to well up already.

"Tae, I've not slept properly since she went missing. I really wanna fix things with her. I want my sister back. I wanna actually be like a real brother to her for once, rather than leaving things like this and always fucking things up. You can even be in the room with us if you have to for fucks sake. Just please, help me. She only listens to you, Taehyung. Please." I beg, tears beginning to fall as I speak.

It's true that I've not slept well since she went missing. I may have played it off that night and the first couple weeks of her absence, but it's been killing me. I hardly been able to sleep more than a couple hours each night at best and I'm still trying to get short naps in whenever I can. At this point, it's killing me just going through each day. Some of the hyungs have even joked that I look worse than Yoongi hyung and they probably aren't wrong.

"I'll go talk to her about it, but I can't promise anything, hyung. I'm not gonna push it and upset her. But I'll see what I can do." He says with a sigh. I instantly hug him in return.

I don't care if it doesn't even work. Just the fact that he's willing to help me at this point is enough. I may still not be thrilled about them dating but they're happy and that's definitely something I can't deny, and I need to stop getting in the way of that.

Taehyung POV

Chuckling, I pat hyungs back before he finally let's go. He gives me a small smile and a nod before I head back in the room. He really must be hurting if he's actually coming to me about this. And he didn't even seem like he had a single care about us being together at this point. Hell, he offered for me to stay with her for him to talk to her if that's what it took.

When I walk back into the room, Lexi looks up at me curiously. Giving her a small smile, I sigh before climbing onto the bed next her where she's at the head. She frowns as she watches me, knowing somethings up.

"Who was it?" She asks softly, lacing our fingers together before I begin mindlessly playing with them. She knows it's a habit of mine and seems to enjoy it for the most part.

"Jimin hyung. He really wants to talk to you, Lexi." I answer quietly. She sighs, leaning her head against my shoulder with a small frown.

"I don't want to talk to any of them, Tae. You know that. I don't want to talk to Jimin to begin with and even so, I don't trust the others. I'm tired of all of it, Tae." She tells me softly. Kissing the top of her head, I know exactly how she's been feeling towards all of it despite her not actually verbalizing it.

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