Chapter 6: Jimin's Shadow

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When we finally reach the house that the boys live in, I feel my anxiety levels rise. I manage to stumble my way out of the van, Tae following close behind me and catching me before I have the chance to fall flat on my face each time.

I don't have the chance to grab any of the bags from the insane shopping trip, Yoongi, Jin, and Jungkook carrying all of them as Namjoon heads up to the front door with the keys. I follow everyone up last, letting them walk through the house and down a hallway that's lined with doors.

"This is your room. You can decorate it and whatnot however you want. Also, here's your new phone. You can enter in the select numbers you trust to keep but other than that, you probably need to create new social media's and whatnot. It also has all of our numbers in it and our managers number in case you need us and can't get ahold of us. Let us know if you need any help unpacking or have any questions, yeah?" Jimin informs me as he hands me a new phone. Taking a deep breath, I nod my head as I try keep up with everything.

"By the way. Our manager is coming over and joining us for dinner this evening so that he can meet you and get a feel for what you're like. We'll also end up discussing the matter of college and other things at that point as well." Namjoon informs me. I nod once more, feeling like my head is now spinning.

"Let us know if you need anything. Dinner will be in a few hours." Jin tells me as they all begin to exit the room.

"Oh wait! I think I left my phone on the dresser by accident." Tae lies, pushing the door back open just before Jimin can close it. Jimin just shrugs in response as he walks away. Tae waits for a moment before pushing the door almost closed, leaving it just cracked before coming and sitting down on the bed next to me.

"Alright. Spill. What happened?" He asks gently, turning to look at me. I give him a small smile in return.

"It's nothing, Tae. I'm just a little stressed and overwhelmed is all." I tell him. It's not a complete lie. I am extremely stressed and overwhelmed at this point. But I know that's not what he wants as an answer and what he's talking about.

"Lexi, you might be able to hide your lies with the others really well, but you can't lie to me. I see straight through them and there's no reason for you to lie to me anyways. I'm too understanding for you to feel the need to hide anything from me. Please, just tell me what happened." He says softly, a caring and worried look in his eyes.

I bite my lip, wondering if I should really tell him or just try to play it off as something else. I don't want to be a burden to him... After all, he seems to be the only one here that seems comfortable and happy with my presence.

"Lex, stop trying to come up with a lie. Just tell me honestly what happened. Please?" He requests, tilting his head to the side slightly as his eyes scan my face. I sigh, hanging my head as I give in. He's the only one who saw through my lies in the car and he'll only see straight through them again.

"The stylists... They want me to drop some weight. Said I'm a bit on the fat side and need to cut back on how much I'm eating and up how much I'm working out and running. It's why it seems like there's an insane amount of clothes. They bought a lot of doubles so that there's things I fit in now and things for once I've lost the weight." I explain quietly. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see the anger and worry combine in his eyes as he frowns.

"Lexi, don't. You're perfect just the way you are and don't need to be losing any weight. Even if you did, that's not how to do it. Not by lessening how much you're eating." He tells me, managing to contain his anger. I shrug in response as I play with my fingers.

"I mean they're right. I have weight that I could drop. I need to lose some weight. Build muscle and tone up more at the very least. They said to just drop down to one meal a day and the other two do protein shakes. They also said that since the portion sizes here are smaller it'll also help. As long as I stick to the regiment with eating and working out as they specified, they said I'd be able to fit into the smaller clothes by the time a month has passed." I inform him. He shakes his head though.

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