Chapter 32: A Mild Confidence Boost

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"You're sure you wanna wait a full week before telling them, baby?" Taehyung asks softly as we lay together on the couch in his dressing room. It's now been three days since I got my memory back and I've made at least one slip up each day since. Granted, they're small ones that can fairly easily be covered for, but things that I don't need to be doing.

"Tae, you've seen how Jimin is around us. As soon as he finds out I remember, he's going to try and keep me as far away from you as possible." I remind him, burying my face into his chest as I fight tears. He kisses the top of my head, rubbing my back gently with one hand while the other supports his head.

"Baby, I'm not telling you to go say something now. I'm just checking. You're starting to slip and you know it and it's gotten even you frustrated and worried. I'm just wondering if it wouldn't be easier on you to tell them." He explains gently. I just nod my head, resting it on its side again as I try to keep my emotions in check.

"I don't want to leave you though." I whisper as tears begin to fall at the thought, burying my face in his chest once more.

"Lexi, look at me." He says softly, smoothing my hair out as he speaks. Pouting with trembling lips whilst I try to keep the tears at bay, I rest my chin on his chest so as to look up at him. A small frown dons his face as he uses both hands to wipe away my tears before he leans up to give me a short kiss.

"You're not gonna leave me and I'm most assuredly not leaving you. Okay? I don't care if Jimin hyung approves of us or not, baby. I love you and absolutely nothing could ever change that. He can try and keep us apart all he likes but it won't work. I wouldn't let it happen. I promise, I'm not leaving you ever, Alexis. Okay, baby?" He informs me quietly, rubbing my back again as he speaks while his other hand returns to its location behind his head.

"But, Tae, I don't want you putting your friendship with him at risk just because of me. You've known him for years and I'm nothing special. Certainly nothing worth ruining the friendship and bond you have with him." I tell him with a small frown. He sighs, shaking his head at me with a small smile.

"Lexi, you're the most special thing to me. You're special in your own beautiful way, baby.  Yes, I may have known Jimin hyung longer than I've known you, but you're the only person who's ever made me feel the way you do. I can actually be myself with you, something I can't do with many people. While I greatly value my friendship with Jimin, I also know that he's being selfish and stupid for the way he's been acting. I love you and I refuse to lose you just because he can't get over the fact that you're related to him." He says softly, leaning up and kissing my forehead.

Yoongi POV

"You think it'll actually work?" I ask Hobi curiously. He shrugs as we walk to Taehyung's dressing room.

"I have no idea but it's worth a try. I mean, she missed out on like half the show the first night and didn't seem to watch any of it the other night. It's just a guess." He answers honestly as we reach Taehyung's room. I'm just about to knock when Hoseok grabs my wrist to stop me, catching the two of them talking.

" - While I greatly value my friendship with Jimin, I also know that he's being selfish and stupid for the way he's been acting. I love you and I refuse to lose you just because he can't get over the fact that you're related to him." We hear Taehyung say. Hobi and I exchange a look as I lower my hand.

"Tae, I love you too, but I don't want you to end up losing that friendship. The seven of you have a really unique bond that I don't want to be what ruins it. I just... I know I've slipped each day since... I just don't want Jimin trying to keep me away from you already. I don't want all of us to get into more arguments again. I'm tired of the arguing and the hurting and all of it. I want everyone to be happy again but I want to be able to be happy with you." We hear Lexi respond before we hear what sounds like crying.

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