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(TRIGGER WARNING: SEXUAL ASSAULT, the main character in the story is based after me and I want to put real and raw stuff in this story, I have been sexually assaulted in my real life and I wish that someone, somehow could have stopped it. If you have been sexually assaulted, please go reach out to the police. It's scary, I was scared but, it gets better. Someone will believe you, I will believe you. If you need to talk to someone about something like this that has happened to you, or about anything. Message me, please. You aren't alone.)

Carly's POV

Our small break began and ended in a flash, we were already back on the road. The tour is quickly coming to an end. We're on our last final shows and to be honest, it's a little bittersweet. Being on the road constantly is hard but, being around Nikki and the rest of the boys has been fun. I'm going to miss Tommy, Vince and Mick. During the tour, Nikki asked me to move in with him, so we'll be seeing each other all the time but, I'm so used to seeing the rest of Mötley everyday, it'll be hard to readjust.

"Final shows, Babe," Nikki said walking up to me, I looked up from the book I was reading and smiled at him in his stage clothes. "Are you excited to go home? I know I am," he chuckled. "I'm excited to go home but, I'll miss the guys." I admitted. "Don't worry, we'll still see them a lot." He said and then kissed me quickly, I wiped the lipstick on my face and laughed. "I know, but not as much as I'm used to. This tour has been so fun, the most fun I've ever had my entire life." I said.

"Aw, you gonna miss me, Carly B?" Vince piped up. I nodded. "Of course, you're my best friend." I said. He walked over and hugged me. "We'll still see each other, I'm not just gonna disappear once tour is over." He said, releasing me. "I know, but I won't see you everyday anymore." I pouted. "I'll come over everyda–" "No, the fuck, you won't." Nikki cut Vince off, causing us to laugh. "Well, you'll still see me a lot." Vince said, ruffling my hair. I laughed a little and fixed my hair.

We all just sat around before the concert, talking about the memories from this tour and all the stuff that we experienced together. The time seemed to go by insanely quick and before I knew it, I was in the front row, on Nikki's side watching my boys kill it, yet again.

I was dancing and singing along to Smokin' In The Boys Room when I felt someone grab my ass. I yelped a little and turned around to see a man, I dry swallowed and turned around to resume watching Nikki, when I felt arms wrap around me, my body tensed up and I pushed his hands off of me. I tried to focus on Nikki again, when I felt lips on my neck. I turned around and pushed the guy off. "Don't touch me!" I yelled over the music and screams. "Come on, sexy." He said, reaching up and groping my breasts, I slapped his hands off of me and pushed him away, I turned around and tried to blink away the tears in my eyes.

A few minutes had passed and I was back to watching and singing. I raised my hands up and clapped and cheered when I felt arms around me again, more aggressive than before, they pulled me into them and I felt his erection on my back side, I felt my chest tighten and I yelled. "Get off!" I said, tears spilling down my cheeks. His one hand ran up my body and under my shirt and his other hand ran down to in between my legs, I started to frantically break away from him.

"Hey, mother fucker!" I heard Nikki's voice amplified by the microphone. I looked up and the music stopped and all the boys of Mötley are in front of me on stage. "See that fucking ring on her finger? Yeah, she's fucking taken and even if she wasn't, she clearly doesn't fucking like it!" He yelled, staring the guy down. I felt the guys hands leave my body and I felt the like a weight was lifted off my chest.

Nikki jumped off the stage and quickly ran over and grabbed the guy from the back of the shirt and pulled him backwards. "You think you can do stuff like that at our fucking show and not be held accountable!" Vince yelled into the mic. Tommy jumped off the stage and pulled the guy over the barricade with helps from Nikki. They both started to beat the guy senseless, Nikki was doing most of the damage.

It all happened quickly, the security guards were trying to pry Tommy and Nikki off of the guy while Vince gestured me to jump over the barricade, I struggled to get over and some of the fans in the audience helped me, thanking them, I walked over to the stage and Vince and Mick and they pulled me up on stage, Vince wrapped his arms around me and walked be backstage to the dressing rooms. Mick and Vince walked in with me and Mick shut the door quickly.

"Are you okay?" Vince asked me, his hands on my shoulders. I was so overwhelmed, I couldn't catch my breath, my chest felt tight, my throat felt tight, I couldn't really speak, my whole body was shaking, and it feels like something is pressing down on my chest. I felt tears run down my face and I started to struggle breathing. "Carly, what's happening? How can I help?" Vince asked, looking me in my eyes.

I just lifted my arms up and wrapped them around Vince, hugging him tightly. I buried my face in his neck and my body shook with sobs. Vince wrapped his arms securely around me, hugging me. "Shhh, I'm right here, Carly. Nothing's happening anymore. You're safe." Vince soothed. I could feel Vince's shirt getting damp from how much I had cried, I can't even gather myself enough to even begin to try to begin what just happened to me.

I heard the door open. "Is Carly okay?" Nikki's voice filled the room. I quickly let go of Vince and turned around and as soon as Nikki saw my face, his expression softened. "Oh, Carly." He said, sadly. He opened his arms up and I quickly ran to him, I wrapped my arms around him and he hugged me tightly, he lifted me up and sat down, sitting me in his lap. He rubbed my back and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"You're alright now, Carly Beth." Nikki whispered in my ear. "When you're with me, nothing is ever going to hurt you." He soothed. "I promise you, nothing like this is going to happen to you again." He said. He kissed my head and rubbed my back again. "I'm so sorry this happened, Carly." He spoke.

We stayed like that for a while until I finally got ahold of myself and sat up, I looked around. "Where are the boys?" I asked, wiping my tears away. "Went to finish the set," he began. "They got someone to fill in for me." He said. "I'm sorry–" "Why're you sorry? I told them to get someone to fill in for me. I wanted to be here with you instead." He said, cutting me off. "They still have a few songs left to do. Let's go back to the hotel and spend some time together, how does that sound?" He asked, holding my hand. "I'd like that a lot." I replied, smiling a little.

(a/n: thank you so much for reading. i hope you enjoyed. please vote, it's greatly appreciated. feedback is always welcome. ok bye👻)

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