Marimar episode 38 - Fifi finds Fulgoso, Kim follows Sergio

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It's been three months since Marimar gave birth to her and Sergio's daughter, whom she named Cruzita Perez, claiming her child as her own without any link to the Santibanez name.

Back at the resort, Sergio is leaving for Manila. Fifi stows away at the back of his pick-up declaring she wants to come with Sergio to look for Fulgoso who has been away for quite sometime.

In Manila, Innocencia is devotedly feeding her mother as Marimar and little Cruzita look on. They are discussing about the fact that Innocencia would have to stay home to care for her sick mother and Marimar will have to take her place as waitress in the beerhouse they both are working for. This would be like a promotion for Marimar who is employed there as a dishwasher. Innocencia will also look after little Cruzita while Marimar is at work. Marimar tells her baby daughter that her 'aunt' Innocencia will look after her while she's away. Having worked out their plans, Marimar leaves for work with the loyal Fulgoso beside her.

At the Villa Santibanez, Angelika is charming her way into Renato's good nature to allow her a trip into the city. She whines about being so bored in the resort and would want to go to Manila for a change of scenery. Renato suspects that she only wants to go after Sergio who has left for Manila earlier. He tells his wife this but she denies it telling him that all she wanted is for them to have a bit of fun. Perfecta interrupts this little lover's quarrel by the stairs to tell the couple about a guest who is looking for Sergio. Angelika snaps at Perfecta for disturbing them but Renato is already a step ahead – extending his hand to shake Kim Chan's.

Meanwhile, the stowaway Fifi is enjoying the ride with Sergio. She likes Manila and its different vibe. She says, "Bagay ako dito kasi glamorosa ako," and adds "I'm now a city dog, bongga!" (I fit here because I am glamorous. I'm a city dog now, how wonderful!)

Kim takes Renato's hand and declares; "Now I know where Sergio got his good looks." She adds, "I'm Sergio's business partner....for now." hinting that she indeed wants more from the younger Santibanez, as she continues to eye Renato in a flirty manner prompting Angelika to but in, "Honey...let's go na!" Renato almost forgot his wife! Quite flustered by the beautiful Chinese-mestiza he introduces her, still quite affected, to his wife. Angelika shakes Kim's hand in a cold, aloof manner and imposes on Renato that they should go, totally ignoring the guest as well as marking her ownership of Renato by taking his arm. Renato weakly concedes and bids Kim goodbye, as the new arrival is shown into her suite.

Sergio is still in his sour, surly mood. He drinks while he drives which is not a very good combination even if he is quite sober. He stops at an intersection as the signal turns red. Across the intersection Marimar and Fulgoso wait to cross. Their paths crossed without the other knowing it! But Fifi did and she exclaims that she couldn't believe it! Fulgoso sees her too and barks. Fifi screams Fulgoso's name but the humans are left unawares.

Marimar having taken over Innocencia's job now serves customers their ordered meals. One customer pays her a compliment, telling her she is quite pretty. He asks for her name and she answers, "Bella." He invites her to sit with her for a while, maybe join him in his meal. Marimar declines stating plainly that she is a waitress and does not entertain guests in that way, she also adds that she has a daughter and politely leaves the table. Boss Larry, the manager of the nightclub tells Marimar to be friendlier with their customers. She defends that she is not that kind of woman. A GRO (guest relations officer) overhears her comment and snaps back at her, telling her that she thinks too highly of herself.

Sergio seems to have been driving all over the city in search of something, perhaps of Marimar too. He stops at a nearby fast-food shop where GROs from the nightclub like to eat. A couple of GROs sigh as he walks in, admiring his good looks. He asks them directions for the nearest petrol station. They playfully give him directions to the beerhouse/nightclub. Luckily a man eating on the next table butts in and gives him proper directions to the dismay of the ladies. Sergio thanks them and leaves. Before he drives off, Fifi jumps off from his vehicle, sensing Fulgoso to be nearby.

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