Marimar episode 42 - The one where Corazon and Natalia meet

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Sergio comes and plays with baby Cruzita. When he asks Innocencia who's the mother, she tells him that he doesn't know her. She's a friend of hers. Sergio admires how pretty the baby looks. Innocencia tells him Cruzita has her father's eyes but her mother's nose and lips. Sergio couldn't explain how he likes the baby he had just met. He seems to be unable to take his eyes off the baby, getting intrigued by the second.

Meantime Fifi and Fulgoso have some time alone together. Fifi is glad that Fulgoso hasn't forgotten about her adding, "Kala ko kinalimutan mo na me." He exclaims that it's only been a day since their last meeting! Fulgoso promised his lady-love that if he comes by some fortune he will buy himself a cell phone so he can call her every time he wants to. Fifi reminds him that even if he has a cell phone but if didn't have one; they still wouldn't be able to communicate so Fifi asks Fulgoso to buy one for her too. She describes what she wants "Gusto ko may 3G at 2 mega-pixels na camera." Fulgoso moans how his girlfriend can be such a materialistic mutt. He accuses her of being a "ma-dog-as na babae" (madugas meaning a bit of a hustler) to this Fifi denies she isn't one as she truly loves Fulgoso but right now she hates him for even thinking about her in that way. Fifi walks away leaving Fulgoso to whine about her having this tendency of always walking out on him.

Gustavo is looking for Flor but Bella tells him that she'd been sent by Esperanza on an errand. When she asks if she can help, Gustavo says he's looking for something but he notices Marimar's bruises on her arm. He is suddenly worried about the young maidservant but Marimar remains silent.

Renato is talking to Angelika who is riddled with bruises from her last treachery of her husband. He is detailing the many patrons who have booked in their resort: a doctor's conference, a wedding and notes that since Sergio left, business seems to have picked up. Renato even dares to point that it seems Sergio is the jinx in their business and with him gone; business is bound to get better. He asks his sulking wife whether she is happy. Angelika replies plainly that she is but for a different reason, "Alam mo sa totoo lang, masaya ko...dahil ginawa mong punching bag ang mukha ko!" telling Renato that she is happy he made a punching bag out of her face.

Renato is unaffected by his wife's drama-queen stance telling her she has no once to blame but herself for whatever pain she is suffering. He tells her that she had it coming for sneaking away and running after Sergio while he'd been away.

Sergio asks Innocencia if he could carry the baby to which she obliges the young man who once had been a big crush of hers when he was her boss. He tells Innocencia that it is the first time he is holding a small child. He exclaims that she is very small and asks how old the infant is. Innocencia tells him just a little over three months.

Sergio likes Cruzita so much that he even kids Innocencia that he's now taking the baby home. The baby doesn't seem to mind, and in fact Cruzita even seems to be enjoying the attentions of this stranger. She isn't crying and is happy being in Sergio's arms. Innocencia tells Sergio he can't take the baby; her mother will be upset.

In the Aldama mansion, Gustavo is still asking Bella the truth about her bruise. She defends that she easily gets bruised and this one is no exception. She bumped herself somewhere and is not a big deal. She assures Gustavo that this is normal and there is nothing to be worried about. Unknown to them, Esperanza is eavesdropping on their conversation.

Back at the resort, Renato gives his wife a set of jewelry as a peace-offering. He puts the ring on her fingers as he tells her she has beautiful hands, hands that deserve nice and expensive things. Angelika's mood seems to have gotten better after receiving her latest gift. Renato is intent with his message to his wife. He tells her, "I hope this serves as a lesson to you," referring to the beating she received from him. Renato tells Angelika a warning, "Kung mabait ka sa akin, dadalhin kita sa langit. Pero kung masama ka sa akin, ihahatid kita sa impyerno." he is good to those who are good to him but a terrible enemy to those who aren't. Angelika hides her fear by thanking her husband for his latest offerings of diamond encrusted baubles.

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