Ch. 3: Missed Miss Wandering

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(Once again, I am so, so sorry for taking a hiatus and forgetting to post a chapter for my lovely readers. Here you go, guys. Sorry if it's short.)

The forever winter nipped at me, and I shivered, pulling my painfully thin jacket closer to me, as if it could block out the cold. I knew I had to make it to his house if I was going to survive, but every step seemed to numb me just a little more...

I made it to the front stoop. Teeth chattering, I tried the door, and to my surprise, it was unlocked. It swung open very slowly, and I winced at the squeaky hinges.

I stepped inside. The door led to a living-dining combination. In the living area, there was a faded green couch, a purplish-looking rug, and a broken TV on a wooden stand. The dining area had a table and four chairs. Close to the dining room was a kitchen. There was also a set of stairs leading upwards. I assumed that this would lead to a bedroom.

I managed to drag myself over to the couch and plop down on it. My utter exhaustion overcame my fear of someone being here, and I was out like a light.

I squinted my eye sockets at my house. Walking up to it, nothing looked any different, but the atmosphere around it felt off. It felt positive, a very different energy to my negativity. Immediately, my thoughts went to the human. It was them, wasn't it?

I opened the door. Nothing looked out of place. I scanned the room, trying to pick out any details that could have been dissimilar to the way I left it.

I noticed it was very clean. Not that I didn't clean every once in a while, but this place looked spick and span. I knew that I didn't do this; I was all the way over at Waterfall. But why would the human do this?

I finally spotted something white on the table. Shutting the door behind me, I sauntered over and picked it up, and saw that it was a note with spidery handwriting. Tibia honest, it kinda reminded me of Alphys's handwriting. I'm pretty sure it was similar to this. However, I shook the memory away. Not right now.

I read the note quickly.

Owner of this house,
My deepest apologies. I know that I shouldn't have barged in without permission from you. It was rude and I could have interrupted your privacy. However, I needed a place to stay for a bit so that I didn't freeze to death. But as you can probably see, I repaid your 'kindness' by cleaning up a bit. Not that it was messy; it wasn't. I was just finishing the job you helpfully started, in a way.
Once again, I'm so sorry for entering without your permission. And now that I'm thinking about it, I didn't sleep in either bedroom. I took the couch.
With Thanks,
The Human

The first thing that came to my mind was: thank God they didn't go into my or Pappy's bedroom. The second one was: they're really polite. The third was: it was nice of them to clean a up a little. Fourth: wait a second, what the heck am I thinking?! Finally, fifth: wait, the human was here?!

I growled, crumpling the note into a ball and incinerating it with a Gaster Blaster. They were in my home and I wasn't aware. They could have broken something, touched stuff that shouldn't be touched...

But they didn't.

I clutched my scarf with a fist, furious at myself. Why did I even care? They were just a human in the way of my freedom! I shouldn't be thanking them, pitying them or anything! They are merely an obstacle in the way, and obstacles must be eliminated. I felt my right eye socket twitching more than normal. I was DETERMINED to get rid of them, even if it was the last thing I did...

I wandered towards the town I had seen earlier. While I was cleaning up, I noticed that there were two bedrooms, not one, like I had originally thought. I'll be honest, I peeked in the one in the left. I was curious. It had an orange tint, if that made any sense. There was a red race car bed, a pirate flag, a closet, and a bunch of other stuff I've already forgotten. It reminded me of Peter, my younger brother. It brought back so many bad memories, but it had occurred to me—it didn't seem like that bedroom belonged to that skeleton I saw, so it probably belonged to a younger brother of his. But as it didn't look like anyone else was down here but us, I realized: the genocidal human must have killed him. Even though he was not my brother and I had never met him before, I still felt the pain as if it were my own. The pain, just like mine for my brother, could also be hurting him, but on a much larger scale. He hasn't just lost his family. He lost everyone.

I glanced at the place closest to me. It looked something like a restaurant. My stomach rumbled out of its own accord, and I realized that I had neither eaten nor drank in quite a while. So, rather reluctantly, I entered.

The bell softly dinged as I entered, a faint echo bouncing off the walls. When it finally faded, all that was left was a ghostly silence.

Nervously, I walked over to the back, where a bar was. A jukebox sat to my right, collecting pounds of normal dust, and right above it was a long-burned-out sign that read "Grillby's." They must have been the owner of the place, I thought to myself, taking a seat at the bar.

*You see the imprint of a Whoopi Cushion on the seat next to you. Someone must have put one there often.

I smiled at the thought of some random person sitting on it, then bursting out into laughter. I certainly would have, if that happened to me.

I peeked over the bar to see if I could find something, but I only saw a pile of dust. The thought of puking fills my mind, and I quickly jump off the stool and run outside. Now that I realized that the dust was monster remains, it made me sick to see them scattered all over the paths like litter. I wish there was someway to RESET all this...

*Maybe there once was; maybe it's only a dream. But for better or worse, the timeline should continue on. Maybe things will get better. At least, that's what you hope...

You start walking, and notice a little yellow star flickering in the corner of your sight. When you turn, it's gone.

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