Chapter 1: Anything For Our Jiminie

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Jimin POV

"Jimin, could you run to the basement and find the recipe for me? I knew it's been a long time since I've made the dish, but I didn't think it's been long enough that I'd left it there. I can't seem to find it in here though." Mom asks frustratedly. I just smile and nod, heading off downstairs.

It's one of our few days off and I wanted to spend it at home with my parents. Although, I think we're supposed to be having a small break here soon within the next week or so.

Reaching our basement, I look around to try and figure out where it could possibly be located. I don't even know what exactly I'm looking for though, to be completely honest. What would she have kept the recipe in?

Spotting a few folders off in the corner of the room, I head in that direction. Though, when I get to the shelf that it's on, I frown. It's taller than I'd like it to be which means I'll have to try getting on my tip toes to reach the folders.

Reaching, I just barely manage to grab ahold of them. Only, I accidentally end up bringing the folders and a couple plastic bowls to the floor with me, making a loud sound as a result.

"You okay?!" I hear my mom call from the kitchen. I rub my head with a frown, having been hit in the head by one of the bowls.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" I yell back, leaning down to start collecting things back up. I accidentally caused some papers to fall out of one of the folders. Though, when my eyes skim over the pages, I freeze.

Birth Name: Park Chaemin
Birthdate: December 17th
Siblings: Park Jimin

My eyes widen as I read the words on the official type of paper. Looking over it, I realize it's a birth certificate. What the hell?

Sitting down on the floor, I pick up the other pages that fell out with this one. Reading through it, I feel confused and betrayed and sad.

I have a younger sister that I never knew about? Why didn't I ever know about this? Why was I never told?

"Jimin?! Did you find the recipe?!" Mom calls, snapping me out of my thoughts. Looking down at one of the other folders, I check inside to find exactly the recipe she's been searching for.

"Yeah! Give me a minute!" I call back. Standing up and ignoring the mess I've made, I'm still surprised over the paperwork I've found.

Taking a deep breath, I bring both the paperwork and the recipe with me as I head upstairs. Walking over to where she's still sat at the table, she smiles up at me once she sees me.

"Jimin? Everything okay, honey?" She asks with a frown as she takes the recipe from me. I don't answer, sitting down at the table across from her.

"Mom?" I ask, setting the papers down on the table in front of me.

"What have you found, Jimin?" She asks, still frowning as she leans over to get a better look. I put my hand down on the papers though, before she can take them.

"Why didn't you ever tell me that I have a younger sister?" I question, finally finding it in myself to look up at her. Her entire face falls at the question.

"Go put those papers away. That's not something to be discussed in this house any longer." She says, a serious tone in her voice as she stands from the table.

"No. Tell me why I've never known about this? And why she isn't here if she's your daughter?" I demand, a firmness in my voice that I've never taken with her before. She spins on her heel, glaring at me.

"Drop it, Park Jimin." She snaps, a cold glare in her eyes. Slamming my hand down on the table as I stand, I return the glare.

"Not until I know why I never knew about this and why she isn't around." I speak through gritted teeth, her refusal only making me want to know even more.

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