Tae Min (SHINee) : Waiting Pt.2

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You groaned as you roll over on the bed. Your eyelids felt heavy due to the endless crying you did last night. Last night.....You groaned loudly as the memories came back. The stupid argument you couldn't forgive and forget. He wished for you to be dead?! How could he...

You sat up on your bed just to realize that you were still in your dress, a bad reminder of yesterday. You sighed as you drag yourself over to the bathroom and face yourself in the mirror.

"My god..." You gasped.

Your eyes were swollen as if a bee had stung on it and with the drowsiness, you couldn't believe how terrible you looked. And you had to go to work today. Great. Just great. You slammed the door shut before walking off to take a shower.

Tae Min snored lightly as he sat on the floor with his back against the wall next to your bedroom door. He waited all night for you to unlock the door but you never did and he ended up sleeping there. But it didn't matter to him. As you opened the door, he was still unconcious. You stared at him, looking at that beautiful face of his...You almost thought of forgiving him before his eyelids fluttered open. You turned away,

"Jagiya...." His morning voice made you stop,

You glance at him just over your shoulder. He stood up, rubbing his eyes before walking towards you. He took a deep breath before putting on a smile on his face.

"Good morning jagi," He smiled, as he took your hand in his.

"Don't touch me." You hissed as you pull your hand back.

Altough, his heart was throbbing painfully, he kept the smile on his face. He walked into the kitchen, and started to took out some eggs and a few other things,

"You hungry? I'll make you some breakfast, just wait for a while, okay baby?" He said,

You stayed silent as you sat down on the dining table. You watch as he moved around the kitchen, looking for ingredients and setting up the table. You almost smiled watching him pouting as he couldn't get the eggs cooked right. Then, he turned on the radio. A familiar tune played throughout the kitchen and you froze.

SHINee's song 'Replay' was playing. The song that played on the first time you met Tae Min. Tae Min turned around and looked at you. You turned away as he smiled, you remembered that every time this song played, you and him would end up dancing around the room. But not today. You stood up and put on your jacket.

"I'm already late. See you later." You said as you turn away,

"No, wait!" Tae Min called out as he grabs your arm.

"Wait?! How long do I need to wait for you!" You yelled at him.

Tae Min let go of your arm as he stared at you with eyes full of tears. You looked away as your fingers ran through your hair. A heavy sigh escaped your lips.

"I need to go.." You made your way to the door.

"Just take a bite, please?" Tae Min said, you could hear his voice begging for you.

You turned around just to see him smiling. Your heart ached as you realize what was behind that smile. Pain. You chewed your bottom lip as you took a step towards him and took a bite of the pancake he made before walking out the door.

The door slammed close as Tae Min’s body shook with sadness.

          Tae Min stared at the breakfast he made on the table. The untouched scrambled eggs, orange juice and milk..It took a few seconds before he could registered what he had just done…He dropped to the floor with a loud sob heaving on his lips. The heart-wrenching feeling made his stomach twists and turn into a knot. It was the first time he felt so hurt..He let out a yell as the feeling won’t go away.

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