D.O / Kyung Soo (EXO) : Too Late.

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D.O stared at the kitchen utensils placed on the countertop. It was supposed to be the best Christmas he would’ve had. But now that he had lost you, nothing was ever gonna be the same for him. He let out a frustrated yell as he pushed the kitchen’s utensils all off the countertop and it fell with loud noises.

His breathing ragged as he heard the boys’ footsteps rushing towards the kitchen. He clutched his head as he tries his best not to let the tears falls. But it was too late…How could’ve he been so selfish? So stupid  to let you go?

“Soo…don’t cry~ I’m right here…”

          D.O swore he heard your voice whispering in his ears, he looks up to see that you were not there at all.. Tears slides down his pale cheeks as he whispered your name,

“________...Mianhe…” He whispered,

“Kyung Soo, you need to stop thinking about her…She’s gone…” Lay said as he rubs D.O’s shoulder.

          That’s when D.O completely flipped out on Lay. He swatted the boy’s hand away and took a step back from him,

“She’s not gone! She’s still out there! I know it!” D.O yelled as he leans his back against the cool refrigerator.

“Yes…but she left-”

“No, she didn’t! I was the one who left her alone in that stupid place!” D.O yelled and Kai stepped forward and immediately wrapped his arms around his sobbing hyung.

          D.O lets himself being hugged by the maknae. His tears continues to fall as he couldn’t hold the tears anymore. Kai hushed him as he hugs D.O. He knew how much the breakup had hurt D.O , he knew how it wasn’t your fault that the relationship had ended.


          D.O stuffed his hands deep into the depth of his jacket could be. It was the coldest day of the winter season could be and he had decided to take a walk, hoping that the wind could take his sadness away. He was well aware of how the fans were following him, but he couldn’t care less. All he wanted to do was take his mind off you.

          He didn’t know where his own legs were bringing him, but soon enough, he found himself at the park where he had last seen you.


          He closed his eyes as he could still hear your voice repeating in his head. He didn’t know how much his own doings were capable of breaking him apart. He could feel his own tears brimming in his eyelids as his lips let out a sad sob.

          He went over to the bench and sat down as he could still hear your voice. It had been days since he left you. He regretted his own decisions to break up with you… He didn’t realize how much pain he had brought to his own self. He closed his eyes as he stares up at the sky,

          He recalls the smell of your sweet scent, the nights he spent watching you sleep. He’d never thought that it would be the last kiss. He’d never imagined that it would end like this. Your name was forever the name on his lips.


“I love you! Please, don’t leave me!” You begged as your tears were pouring endlessly down your face.

“We’re over, okay? I thought that I loved you but the feeling was never there, I’m sorry!” D.O said as he shook your arm off him.

“What did I do wrong? Please, tell me. We can fix it, right? Please, I can’t live without you…Please..” You sobbed as you dropped to your knees

“Look, _______. I’m sorry but I can’t be with you anymore.” D.O said as he walks away from you.

          He heard you call his name but he ignored it. He refused to turn around to look at you, because he knew he would just rush back to you. He didn’t want to torture you anymore because his love for you had faded away.


          D.O sobbed and cried as he reminiscence the moment he left you. The pain and guilt he was carrying was eating him. He could feel the fever burning inside of him as he remembers the way how your eyes would sparkle at him. He remember the songs you liked and that it would always reminds him of you.

“I love you, Soo…Did you know that?”

          D.O’s head shot up and there you were sitting next to him on the bench. A smile formed on his lips as he turns to look at you,

“________, I love you..I miss you..Please come back to me?” D.O begged,

“It’s good to hear you say that to me again, Soo…As much as I want to be with you again, I can’t…”

          D.O watch as you smiled at him. His tears never stopped flowing down as he took in the beauty you owned. He watched as you brought your hand up and caressed his cheeks, wiping the tears away in the process. He leans in for more of your angel-like touch.

“I love you..” He said again, looking at you with tears streaming down his face.

“I love you too, Soo..”

          A heartbreaking sob escaped his lips as he tries to touch your face but…you faded away with the wind. His hands dropped to his sides as the heavy feeling crushed his chest. How could’ve he been so heartless to you? He felt so small and weak as he thought of the words that had killed you.

          He couldn’t stop seeing you and hearing you even though he knew you weren’t there anymore. If he knew what you were facing through, he would have never left you…If he knew how much pain he would be forced to go through, he would have never let you go…

          D.O tried to fix himself to want you. He tried to take you back in his life, he tried so hard to make himself feel your sweet love for him. But it was all too late.

          You died of cancer just days after he broke up with you. D.O couldn’t help but blame himself for your death. He didn’t even knew you were diagnosed with cancer. He could feel that he was losing his mind, heart and soul after knowing about your death. He should’ve been there with you on your last breath but instead, he left you in the cold snow of December.

          D.O missed your voice calling his name…He missed the nickname you had gave him, Soo. He missed waking up to see your beautiful face. He missed you so much. But it was just too late.

I tried my best to make it sad but I don't know if it's sad...So, please comment and vote!! I love to hear you guys' opinions!!

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