Se Hun (EXO): She's No You.

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You stared at him, watching him talking to Krystal as he wraps an arm around her waist. Anger boiled up inside you as he whispered in her ear. He was clearly aware that you were watching him, and he glances at you briefly, smirking at you. You scoffed and roll your eyes,

"Whoa, what up with the gorilla face?" Kris teased as he sits beside you.

"Nothing!" You grumbled as you turn to face him,

"Come on, tell me~ You promised that there will be no secrets between us." Kris begged, giving me his puppy dog  eyes. I sighed,

"It's not fair... You know that Se Hun doesn't like me anywhere near you, right?" You said, and Kris nodded,

"Well, look at him now. Having his arms around Krystal like she's his girl. It's not fair that I don't get to talk to you but he gets to talk to any girl he wants..." You muttered, looking down at your shoes.

"Hey, cheer up. But you never obeyed him." Kris said, taking your hand in his

"Well, it's because, you're my best friend. I can't just go from us knowing everything about each other and then just act like strangers. No way. That's never gonna happen, Kris." You stared at Kris,

          You knew Kris has these romantic feelings for you but he pushed it aside just for you because he knows that you love Se Hun, your so called boyfriend who has his hands on some model right now! Kris smiled at you sweetly before standing up,

"And that's why I love you. As a friend. I'm gonna get some drinks, do you want some?" You nodded,

          You watch as Kris walks away towards the snacks table. You took a deep breath and looked around, to find Se Hun's eyes fixed on you. You knew he was beyond angry with you for talking to Kris. But you didn't care, your relationship with Se Hun was nothing like a couple's relationship.

          Every time that you guys meet up, it was always the pranks, the teasing, and those bickering. That was the special about your relationship with him, it was one of a kind relationship. You did told him that you love him but he just brushed it aside. That's what hurts the most, knowing that he doesn't feels the same towards you.

"What do you think you're doing?"

          You looked up, shocked to find Se Hun standing in front of you, glaring at you. You scoffed, and stood up,

"What do you care?" You said before making your way towards Kris at the snacks table,

"Oh no, you're not going anywhere." Se Hun gritted through his teeth as he pulled you back.

"What do you want? I'm just a statue waiting to be noticed by you who was apparently busy with some girls!" You half yelled at him and you realized that a crowd was starting to form around you and Se Hun.

"Yeah, you had your hands on Kris!" Se Hun raised his voice,

"He's just a friend! At least he had a decency to talk to me when you were with those girls." You said, angrily,

"Hey, calm down. Take it eas-" Kris cutting in, standing between you and Se Hun.

          Se Hun push him away, making Kris stumbling backwards and Tao was there in time to keep his duizhang back on his feet,

"You shut up! All you do is trying to ruin my relationship with ______" Se Hun glared straight at his friend,

"Ruining our relationship? All he was trying to do is fix it when YOU were the one trying to ruin it!" You exclaimed as you pinted your finger, poking him in the chest.

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