Baek Hyun (EXO) : All I Need Is Care.

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You fumbled through the files that your boss had gave you. Your boss who is also your husband. It was almost 7 pm. You should’ve gone home with him 30 minutes ago but instead, he kept you holed up in the office. You had to admit that he wasn’t the best husband you had asked for but you love him.

          You knew that he married you because his mom wanted you to be her daughter in law. You knew that he didn’t love you, but you always tried to make him love you by cooking for him, be a good wife. But it was useless… He had already set his eyes on someone else.

          It hurts you to know that your husband doesn’t even loves you. But it made you happy that he was married to you even if you know that he loves someone else. But lately he’s been much more closer to you. Much nicer and more caring. Today was your first anniversary with him.

“________-ah, do we have any plans after this?” Baek Hyun peeked out his door, looking at you.

“Urm, let me check…” You said as you took out the diary.

          You ran your eyes through the dates and time, and then, you look up at him,

“Yeah, around 8:30 p.m you have a business meeting with Mr. Kang Jong Min.” You replied,

          Baek Hyun smiled at you as he walks towards your desk,

“Good, let’s go home and then we’ll go to the meeting.” He said and offered his hand to you.

          You raised one eyebrow at him, feeling completely weird out by the whole situation. Baek Hyun rolls his eyes and took your hand. As he drags you away, you had the chance to grab your hand bag along with the diary and the files needed for the meeting later on.


          You and Baek Hyun stood up  as you saw Mr. Kang enters the room. He was a guy around the age of mid 40s. You smiled and bowed to him and his PA.

“Hai, Mr. Kang, how are you doing?” Baek Hyun said as he shook the old man’s hand,

“I’m very good. And who is this lovely young lady?” Mr Kang said as he took your hand, caressing it.

“Oh, she’s just my PA, why don’t we go to the meeting room?” Baek Hyun said,

          Mr. Kang nodded but he never lets go of your hand. You didn’t like the way this old man was looking at you, and you pull your hand away from him. But then, Mr. Kang wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him.

          Baek Hyun eyed you and the old man. A pang of  never ending envy consumed him. He was disgusted by the way the old man was touching you, he never even touched you and this stranger was touching you like you were some prostitute. He clenched his jaw as he was tempted to curse the old man.


          The meeting had finally ended. The torture had finally ended for you. You breathed sigh of relief as Mr. Kang walks out of the room. You couldn’t believe the old man. All through the meeting, the old man kept winking at you from across the room and kept trying to flirt with you in front of your own husband.

          But Baek Hyun didn’t seem to notice it. Little did you know, Baek Hyun was trying the best that he could to hold in his anger and not to hit and kill the old man. You walk out the room following Baek Hyun.

          As the two men bowed and exchange some words, you couldn’t help but watch Baek Hyun. He looked as if he was dressed for some special occasion. A black vest over his dark blue shirt and the black tie was loose around his neck. Then, Mr. Kang turned to you. Again, he took your hand but as you try to pull away, he grasped on it a little too tight.

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