Mir (MBLAQ) : The Pain.

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“Mir?” You whispered with tears pooling in your eyes.

          You couldn’t look away from the horrifying sight in front of you. You watch as Mir pulled away from the girl. Tears were pouring down your face endlessly as Mir’s eyes widened at you,

“Baby…” He called out,

          You wipe your tears away and took a step back as he approaches you. You came by the studio to gave him a surprise visit and give him some food but instead, you were the one who had the biggest surprise of your life. Mir kissing another girl. A girl that he knew you hated so much.

          You jaw clenched in anger as you threw the plastic full of food to him.

“Fuck you.” You hissed at him as you walk away from him.

          How could he do this to you?! How could he hurt you so easily?! Your breathing ragged as anger and sadness took over your mind. You didn’t want to feel this heart wrenching pain anymore…You didn’t want to feel your whole world tearing apart because of Mir.


          You sat on the edge of the bed as you sobbed. The pain was too much for you and you couldn’t take it anymore as you walk to the kitchen. You opened the cabinets and drawers till you found that one thing you needed the most. A knife.

          You walk back into the room and set the knife down on the bed. You want a warm bath right now…All you want to do is just be dead for just a second in a tub full of warm water soothing you. You kicked off your shoes, shimmied out of your jeans and unbutton the shirt you were wearing, leaving you just in your black underwear and a red thin tank top.

          Your eyes shifted to the phone as you grabbed the knife, Mir was calling you…You rolled your eyes as you grabbed the phone and threw it against the wall, not even caring if you broke it. You didn’t want to talk to him anymore. Not after what he did to you.

          You walk into the steamy bathroom and locked the door behind you. The water in the tub was almost filling up, you set the knife down on the toilet and went over to the sink. You kept staring at your reflection in the mirror,

“No wonder he kissed the girl…” You whispered to yourself,

          You looked horrible. With the mascara ruined, your face was ghastly pale and your hair was sticking to your forehead as the bathroom was steaming. You walk away from the mirror and turn the tap off. You grabbed the knife and slowly, climb into the tub.

          You sighed as the warm water soothed your body. You sat down in the tub and rested your head at the end of the tub. You stared at the ceiling as you closed your eyes. You wondered how long Mir had been with that girl…

The picture of them kissing popped into your head again, and you immediately shook your head as you feel the tears stinging your eyes. You took a deep breath and looked at the knife. You had never cut yourself…But you wanted to…Your fingertip touched at the sharp edge of the knife.

Slowly, you brought the knife to your left wrist, closing your eyes as you feel your skin being torn apart. You gasped at the sudden pain, you opened your eyes just to see blood flowing out of the cut you just made. Surprisingly, the pain felt good..So good that you didn’t even remember your broken heart.

You could feel yourself getting a bit lightheaded. Your vision blurred as you feel the pain burning your hand. Soon enough, you couldn’t feel your hand anymore. Your wounded hand dropped into the tub while your other hand dropped the knife on the floor.

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