Dong Hae (SuJu) : For The First Time.

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Dong Hae sighed at the wedding invitation he just received. He was glad that she was happy but at the same time he hated that he was the one that let the girl that he loved got away. He lean against the wall as he could feel his tears rushing down his face. She was happy with the man she loves, and he should be happy for her but he couldn’t.

          A sob came out of his trembling lips as he fell down on his knees down on the ground. He didn’t care if the people around him think he was crazy. He loves her so much. And he let her go so easily. Why couldn’t he be like Kris? Dong Hae wanted to hate that boy for taking her heart away but he couldn’t. Kris was a great person and he was perfect for her.

          Suddenly he could feel something hard hit his shoulder and a shriek of a girl.

“Wargh!” A small shriek escaped from your lips.

          You could feel yourself falling down on the ground, flat on your face. The pain that you feel on your face and your knees were unbearable. You groaned, as you roll over on the ground and sat up as you rub your nose.

“Ow…” You said,

          What in the world just happened?! One minute you were happily walking home from your work and then, you were practically kissing the ground. You turn your head abruptly at the thing that made you fell down. And it was a guy. A cute guy.

          He had tears in his eyes and he continues to stare at you. The staring contest didn’t last long when thunder was grumbling above you. He had the most beautiful eyes that you had ever seen. Deep, dark brown eyes that were filled with tears and hurt, sadness and pain. You had this thing that you could easily fall in love with guys who cried. It was as if he can make you feel the pain that he went through those alluring eyes.

“Are you okay?” Dong Hae manages to choke out,

“Y-yeah…I think so…” You stuttered as you could feel yourself blushing.

          Dong Hae couldn’t keep his eyes off you. There was something about you that attracted him, like a magnet. He stood up immediately and helped you up. Then, he tensed up as he saw the red liquid drip from your nose.

“O-Omo…I’m really really sorry, please forgive me..” Dong Hae said as he took out his hankerchief from his pocket.

          Your eyebrows furrowed and then, he leaned closer. He wasn’t gonna kiss you, right? If he would kiss you, you would be on top of the world! But as you closed your eyes, waiting for his lips but then… you could feel a soft fabric, wiping just above your lips.

You opened your eyes just to find him right in front of your face. You almost jump back but somehow, you like that the fact that his lips were inches away from yours. You could feel your heartbeat fastened it’s pace.

“You’re bleeding…I’m so sorry.” He said as he continues to wipe the blood off your nose,

“No, It’s okay.. It doesn’t hurt at all, see?” You said as you pat your nose,

          A pang of pain struck your nose and now you were sure that your nose was broken. You pressed a hand on your nose as your other hand rested on your knee, bending over.

“Appasso… (It hurts)” You breathed and you could hear him chuckled,

          You look up at him and he was smiling with red, puffy eyes. And you could only smile back at him. It was weird that one minute ago, he was crying over someone he loves, and now he’s smiling because of a stranger.

“Can I bring you to the clinic? It is my fault..” He offered,

“A-aniya! It’s okay!” You instantly rejected.

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