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Whelp. It's happened again. Another seven months have flown by and I have yet to finish this story like I said I would and I'm so sorry I haven't updated this thing in ages.

The truth is, I started this story literally the mere moment I finished writing Daughter of Aslan. But over time the creativity and inspiration have kind of died out. I mean, I still have some ideas with this stories and I actually had a whole plot line done for Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and this was seriously all planned out when I first started writing Daughter of Aslan. In a way, I feel like I've already finished this fic when the reality is I certainly haven't. No joke, I've been "writing" this story for almost three years now, making progress every now and then and yet here we are.

Don't get me wrong, I still love this series and the books are near and dear to my heart, but it's like I dropped off the face of the earth with my writing. I am so attached to my characters though, especially Elizabeth, and I can't just move on knowing I left this book basically on a blank page.

Last time I just randomly stopped with this story, I started working on other stories, but this time was different. After I wrote this last chapter, I honestly just did up with Quotev and Wattpad. I stopped writing entirely and there's no real reason why other than to say that life really caught up with me. I was wrapped up in exams and my classes were hitting me like a bullet train, not to mention my life over the summer working 24/7. In truth, I had no time to write, but even then I never even tried to make time to write.

I'm not going to lie when I say while I love writing these kinds of stories, I really want to write one that is unique and not from a plotline that's already been created. I want to write my own fantasy or my own romance novel so instead of writing at all, I've only been brainstorming ideas for other stories.

With all this being said, I went through the past few days just going through Daughter of Aslan and Destiny of One, and I became quite sad. Sad because I had forgotten how much I love this story, sad because of how much I honestly feel like Elizabeth has now become a part of me, sad because Edmund and Elizabeth are freaking relationship goals, but most of all sad because I never finished this.

So now I will stop beating around the bush.

Belly roll please . . .

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I want to finish this book. Especially now while my heart's really in it because Lord knows what happens when my heart falls out of it. The plan anyways is to have two chapters left in this book so how hard can that be????

Anyways, this is a really long Arthur's Note just to answer your questions about continuing the story. :)

Honestly, though, I'm also slightly begging for your help. Hit me up in the comments and let me know what I should do!!! Or alternatively, give me ideas for how I should continue (like what should happen next) (you'll be my best friend). What would you guys want to happen or want to see happen? The next two chapters will take place back in Telmar (before they have to return to England of course! They can't stay in Narnia forever!). We can start a poll of ideas and vote on what you guys would like to see!!!

Thank you and, as always, I love you guys so much. Thanks for encouraging this story and giving me all the love over it ❤️❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2018 ⏰

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