4. Innocent Changes

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At one point in everyone's life we come to realize that things do not always go the way we planned. We learn that no matter how much time we spend planning an event or planning for something to go a specific way, it can change without our permission at any given time. It's times like that that make me wonder; are we spending more time worrying about how to live our life than actually living it? I guess that's a real brain scratcher when you get into the glory details of it all.

I could use myself as a prime example for this scenario. Ya know, planned to stay in Virginia, didn't stay in Virginia, blah, blah, blah. Though, I'd much rather use Joey. Joey's plan was to move out when he graduated (check), attend a good college (check), and of course make sure his mothers last wishes were taken care of (almost check). See Joey spent a while on phones with doctors and at hospitals with his mom. He'd planned to get a phone call from a doctor as soon as it was predicted that his mom was nearing her end. With her condition, it was easy for the doctors to predict when that would happen, and they most likely did in fact. Too bad they forget one major detail, to inform Joey so he could make it back in time. See my point is that you can worry and plan out your life as much as you want, but as long as other people are interfering with you life in anyway, there's a possibility of your plans collapsing. Ain't that great huh? Can't count on no one these days.

Joey's plans for his mothers death weren't the only thing that has now been screwed over. Joey's booked a quick flight plane ticket back to Virginia this coming morning. Classes were staring in a couple days now, but Joey had to go to his moms funeral of course and help out with his family in their time of need. His younger siblings were probably more devastated than anyone. He had a bratty teenage sister, another younger (middle school) sister, and an elementary sized little brother. Joey was the eldest son, it was basically his and his fathers duty to keep their family together-now more than ever.

I rose early Saturday morning, taking off work so I could drive Joey to the airport. On Thursday night when the news came in, I had sat with him on the couch all night as he desperately tried to get some sleep. His father suggested he finish his placement exams before he return home but Joey refused.

Joey had said he'd be taking off this semester, hopefully by then he'll feel comfortable leaving his family for school. I selfishly felt bad for myself too, I'd have to face the course buildings alone. I was still fuzzy on the whole campus whereabouts but I was slowly remembering a path to only a few places. For example, I could get to the boys dorm on my own now, but anything in between was a no-no.

At the airport Joey watched the people passing in silence. He's hadn't said much to me since that night. Everything we've discussed was small talk. The disaster was too fresh to be discussed, but that would fade in in a few months hopefully. The airport security wouldn't let me enter the terminal area. I had to stay outside the gates and say my goodbyes. Joeys flight didn't start boarding until a good half hour, so we took our time with our silent good bye hug before he entered security check. "I'll see you in a few months Mila" He wiggled his fingers. I smiled back at him, waving good bye.

* * *

By Sunday, I had completed my final placement exam and was now ready to get a good night sleep before classes tomorrow. I couldn't believe I had already been on campus for 3 weeks now, and that classes were actually starting. I knew things wouldn't be as I expected since Joey wasn't going to be around, but I figured I'd try to make the best out if things.

Early the next morning I headed off campus. Joey had left me the keys to his car, granting me permission to use it when I need to, but it was a beautiful day out so I was on foot to work. The weather in Memphis was rather hot during this time of the year. The sun still beamed strong, the air breathed warm, the thermometer hit about 85 degrees (Fahrenheit).

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