Chapter 17

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"So," I said as I plopped down on the couch next to Dan, "Who's the mental bitch that came over here?" I asked as I cocked an eyebrow. Phil was out getting snacks.

"That was Precious. My ex-girlfriend who I thought was okay and honestly was dating her for my self esteem, but then she went fucking bat shit crazy when I dumped her. She didn't even learn my bloody name while we were dating?! She called me fucking Dennis half of the time!" he said as he threw his hands up in the air to prove his point.

"So now she saw me at Ara's party, which I still don't know how she knew about, with you, and now she's out for blood?" I asked, confirming.

"Yeah, I think she stalks my twitter because I said I was going to a party and she probably followed us there." He tried to reason out an explanation.

Hey, from what I could see, I wouldn't put it past her.

"Well, I don't think she will be much of a problem, especially if you keep kicking her ass." Dan said and we both chuckled.

"Yeah I was pretty good wasn't I?" I said with a smirk and we both chuckled again.

"Seriously though, Precious? I am sorry but that is not made for humans." I said as I shook my head in disbelief.

"At least not the kind like her. You have to be a specific kind of person to pull that name off, and she is not that kind." I breathed out a chuckle.

"Yeah it helps not to be insane." Dan said casually and we laughed.

"Hey, wait a second?" Dan said as he cocked his head and looked at me. I cocked an eyebrow.

"It's Monday, aren't you supposed to be in school?" Dan asked and I leaned my head back.

"Shit. I forgot. Ugh. Do I have to go? School is so boring and sucks major Kirby titties." I said with a groan. At this Dan burst out laughing.

"Yes. You have to go so you can get your degree." He said and I groaned louder. It basically like the last week of school. And I was turning seventeen like right after school ended.

"We only have a week left and then I graduate." I said in a whiny tone.

He raised his eyebrows.

"Graduate? Aren't you turning seventeen this year?" he asked.

"Yeah but because of how my birthday lines up I am a year younger than everyone. Plus I skipped kindergarten and went straight to first grade." It kind of hurt to talk about when I was younger, because I was even abused as a toddler, just not nearly as bad.

"Ah. I see." Dan said as he pulled me up with him.

"Fine. You can skip today, but you are going the rest of the week." He said with a smile as he tried to be serious.

"Jeez, da-" I stopped myself because he was not even close to my dad.

"You're so dull when you act mature." I said as I stuck my tongue out.

"Pfft. Act? Please I am mature." He said as he rolled his eyes and pulled me into hug.



I spent the whole day with Dan as we walked around, played some video games, and did multiple other fun things like visiting the London Eye and then Starbucks.

But the whole day, there was something itching at the back of my mind. The thought of everything returning. The pain, the torment in my head that never leaves me alone.

I'm happy now, but what about when it comes back? How long am I going to stay happy?

"Hey? You alright?" Dan said as he furrowed his eyebrows at me. We were back at his and Phil's place.

"Yeah. . . I'm fine. It's just. . . I need to tell you something. But I'm afraid it's going to be too much to handle and you won't want to deal with me." I said slowly. "Which I would understand. My problem, not yours. But I need to tell you before it happens again because it can be pretty. . . Dangerous." I searched my head for the right words.

Dan sat up straighter and looked at me. "Max, I would never do something like that. I accepted you into this house knowing you had problems and probably some you didn't want to share with me just yet. Whatever problem you have, I will help you. And Phil too." He tried to comfort me, but I was still scared.

"Well, you know how you get bullied multiple times but there always seems to be that one bully that like sticks around and just says extremely awful things and then tries to convince you to do things? Well it's like that, but yet not exactly. . ." I trailed off.

"Max is someone bothering you? Because if they are-" I cut him off before he got too angry,

"No no no. No one is bothering me. It's just that sometimes, I hear things that aren't there, and then they tell me such horrible things that they kind of take over my mind and body and then before I know it my wrists are gushing blood and I have a kitchen knife in my hand. It's like I remember everything like a dream and it happens in dream sequence, but when I 'wake up'," I used air bunnies,"All the bad things that happened are there right in front of me." Dan looked like he understood but yet was confused.

"So, just to give me a base of what your saying, you hear voices in your head?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, essentially. But when it comes back, you just need to be prepared and to know I won't be myself. And to be careful because I may hurt you in the process." I didn't want him to help me with it, but I wanted him to be prepared for what will happen.

"Max," he said and I looked up to him.

His face was closer than I expected.

"I already told you, that you are safe with me." And with that, he kissed me and we weren't on a couch anymore, but more a dimensional plane above earth and the universe. Two people who care a lot for each other, but it's so simple and yet so complicated. Because all it was was a kiss, but yet, it said so much more.



I know I know. The secret isn't that big but that's just because you haven't seen it in action. I know it's cliché as hell, but I'm going to make it interesting.

Thank you to whoever is reading this, hope you liked it (at least a little) and goodbye!

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