Chapter 12

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We got into his room and sat in front of his camera. I was extremely nervous. "Okay, just when I do my intro, I'll say and I'm here with, and then you just pop in the video and I'll introduce you. And then we can go from there." He explained. Seemed simple. I didn't tell him but I knew his intro pretty well. He tweeted saying to send him questions. "Hey do you mind if we do live stream actually, it's easier with questions." He asked. "Nope I don't mind." It's his channel. He tweeted about the live stream and for questions on YouNow. Oh shit. Live stream. No fuck ups aloud. He turned on the camera. "Hi internet. Today I'm doing a little Q&A with my friend..." he waved his arms to the empty seat and I walked in with my arms up in jazz hands "Max!" I said in an excited tone. "Max is actually the lead singer in a band called Dreams and Demolition. She's pretty amazing." Dan said gesturing. "So just send your questions and we will answer them." I nodded along to his words as he scrolled and I looked at the screen.

He chuckled and I did a small laugh

"Are you two dating?" he asked to the screen. I did a playful smile and handguns saying "no!" in an excited tone.

"How do you two know each other?"

I answered this one. "Funny story actually, my friend in our band knows PJ, aka KickThePJ, so I met him, and they surprised me by all of a sudden having Dan and Phil walk into ShakeAway. They did not tell me." I did a pretend crazed look with the last part and dan laughed. "They didn't tell you? no wonder you didn't speak through the whole night." he said smiling and looking at the screen while I nodded. "Now we are going to do some facts about us but of course you can keep talking in the chat." Dan said. "Okay, Max, how old are you?"

"I will be 17 on July 2." I smiled.

"What is your favorite color?" he asked me.

"Red." I widened my eyes when I spoke.

"Where are you living?" Dan said trying not to smile.

"Here! not like that, on the sofa bed. Bad." I jokingly shamed and wiggled my finger at the camera. Dan laughed and I smiled.

"Favorite animal?" he did a eyebrow wiggle.

"The Honey Badger. I think it could be my spirit animal." I Did a wide eyed "dun dun dun" look.

"Favorite song?" dan asked, looking at me.

"Tie between 'Reverse' by SomeKindaWonderful and 'Bleeding Out' by Imagine Dragons!" I said excited.

"I love those. Would you care to sing one?" Dan nearly pleaded.

"No I would not." I said smiling.

I looked at the chat and everyone wanted me to sing. "Come on? please? they want it too!" Dan begged.

"No you already heard me singing in the shower that is enough thanks!" I told him. "So she was singing Toxic by Brittany Spears and I sang back with her from the other side of the door."

Dan said smiling and laughing with me.

"And then the awkward happened." I said laughing. "Yeah she came into the bathroom while I was drying off." We were both laughing remembering the moment this morning. I could laugh at it easily now. He grabbed my knee while laughing and I did the same to his shoulder. Then I saw the chat and it was all "Maxisnotonfire!" I laughed once more and said. "Ha you guys will ship anything won't you. I'm talking to you," I pointed with both hand at the camera, " people already making something to post on tumblr!" Dan laughed at my comment. "Well I think that's a good place to leave off!" Dan said after we had answered more questions. "Biiii!" I waved at the screen and dan made a little heart out of his hands. "Byeeeee! rawr!" he said as he "ate" the camera and turned off the stream.


Not too much happened and sorry for short chapters I don't like short chapters either but I usually update in bulk so that kind of makes up for it. Biiiiiii to whoever is reading!

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