Chapter 5

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*Friday, Last Period*

I walked out school and started heading to Zach's.

I walked up to Zach's door and knocked, but found that it was open. I pushed the door open and peeked my head in. "Zach, mate? You here?" I called out. No answer. Of course. "Zach is your friend here yet?" I heard a noise "Ezra? That you?" someone grabbed me and put their hand over my mouth. I scraped my shoe heel hard down their shins. "OW! What the hell?!" one voice I couldn't quite recognize but it sounded familiar. Someone flicked on the lights. "Max it's fine it was just a little prank!" Zach said moving in front of me and waving his hands forward in a stop motion. someone was still behind me so I spun around I see who had grabbed me. They were bent over looking at their shin. I saw the had wavy brown hair. "PJ, say hello to Max..." Zach said in a slow voice. I saw a pair of greenish eyes look up at me. He stood up and was much taller than me. "Hey there Max" he said with a little wave and a short breath. It was none other than the youtube famous KickThePJ. I might fangirl. Oh god how embarrassing would that be. I breathed out lightly and did a stupid smile. He raise his eyebrows "your strong for your size" to be fair I wasn't THAT much smaller than him. "Oh my god I'm sorry ... I- i just... Hi. " I said stupidly. Facepalm. What the fuck did I just say?! "er... I mean... reflexes. " I tried to recover. Poorly that is. He did a little wave "don't worry about it" he smiled. I grinned ear to ear. Idiot. I didn't admire (god that sounds stalkery) PJ as much as I did Dan or Phil, but he was amazingly gorgeous and I still was a little star struck. "Knock knock!" Ezra's voice floated in as he walked through the open door. "Hey, Ezra. this is PJ. And you know Max of course. " Zach said, trying to make it less awkward. We all sat on the couch. PJ sat pretty close to me (well, just in the open space on a couch like a normal person) so I felt self conscious. "So Max, Zach tells me you sing?" PJ turned all of a sudden and asked. "Er... yeah... I do. " I said looking down. "Well? can I here a little?" he asked. I froze.

"Erm... umm... uh... I-I just... am not that good." I rushed the last bit out and felt like an idiot. But now way in hell was I going to sing in front of fricken PJ!

"She's amazing and she's lying. " Ezra said smiling wryly at me. I shot him a death glare. He held his hands up in innocence.

"Well then?" PJ asked

I cleared my throat. Oh god.

"I picked up my phone yeah. I told my story in reverse because it hurts! yeah girl it hurts to much to bare... but I'm tantalized by their, Legs and loooong haiirrr! but if I could do it again, I would do it agaiiiinnn! if I could do it again I would probably do it again!" I got into it by the end. PJ stared at me in.. awe? no I'm not that good. And it's fricken KickThePJ! "That was absolutely brilliant!" PJ exclaimed and I was taken back. Me? really? "that was amazing I've never seen you sin with that much passion before, max!" Ezra said excitedly. "T-t-thanks..." I said looking down. Zach smiled wildly at me. Did I really just sing for PJ? "hey how bout we all go to ShakeAway, yeah?" zach said surprisingly suspicious. It was only 3:15. I had loads of time. i glared at him because he wasn't telling me something. PJ and Ezra had the same look. PJ was biting his lip and looking at me. What were they not telling me? "...yeahhh..." I said, furrowing my brow and probably showing my suspicion of something. they just looked at me trying not to smile. "Guys what are- what are you not telling me." I asked warily "nothing." PJ said too quickly. He gave me a cheeky smile. Something was up. I don't know PJ that well but no normal person just acts suspicious for no reason.

We walked into ShakeAway and I ordered a shake with Maltesers. we sat down at a booth and they all kept looking at the door. I also don't understand why they all sat three and a row and leaving me by my self. I was facing the door so it was pretty obvious when the turned around themselves to look round. What in the actual hell were they up to?? "why do you guys keep looking at the door?" I asked widening my eyes and sipping my shake. "Just a little paranoid. I hate sitting with my back towards the door." zach said. I understood how he felt because that's why I'm facing the door, but he can just sit next to me. "Yeah, you know you could sit on this side, face the door, and not bunch up the other two, right?" I informed, staring at them and not blinking. "Yeah but I'm trying to get out of my safety zone. Anyway why don't you tell PJ about how you might want to do videos for youtube?" zach said. He so meant to embarrass me. I had told him about my obsession with youtube and dan an Phil recently. I could feel myself blush. "No no, I don't think I need to bore anyone." I smiled as I tried kicking zach hard in the shin. Of course I missed and hit PJ. "Ow. Did you just kick me?" PJ said laughing. "Yeah must have sorry had a bit of a stroke." I cursed myself for pretty much quoting Dan. I blushed more. Goddammit Max. PJ kept texting someone and kept smiling like, well me. Then he did something very odd and winked at Ezra and Zach. They both smiled wildly. "Okay what the fuck have you three done and where did you hide the mess??" I asked abruptly. They just stared at me, obviously biting their cheeks to keep from smiling more, and failing miserably. "Just tell m-" I stopped mid sentence as I saw who walked through the door next. They stopped trying to hide smiles. I so tried not to stare. Oh motherfucking shit. I blushed wildly and forced myself to huddle against the wall in the booth and look down. "What the fuck guys? no heads up?" I whispered under my breath to them as Dan Howell an Phil Lester came to our table.

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