Chapter 14

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I went to my room and got my dyes. I chose a hot pink. I went to the bathroom and did streaks of pink through my blonde hair. I made pink strips in my fringe. I think I'm going to get a hair cut and get my hair shoulder length. I walked out with my dyed hair and went to my sofa bed to look at the song we were practicing today. It was The Ballad Of Mona Lisa by Panic! At the Disco. I practiced singing the long lines and the harder part. My voice was actually a lot like Brendan Urie's voice, just like the girls version. I sang the chorus and let my voice rivet and bounce with passion. "Mooooonaaaa Liiiissssaaaaa, pleasa pleasaaaa!" I practiced the slow part and looked for imperfections, but mainly tried to get the bounce in my voice like Brendan's. Then I heard someone go "Why are you listening at her door? that's a little stalkery, Dan." It was Phil. "Shhh shhh shut up!" Dan tried to say quietly. I opened the door and Dan stumbled. "Listening at my door to get a sneak peak are we now?" I said in a light and airy voice. "N-No just uhh... walking to my room. Yep. Oh it's half past gotta do that thing in my room. Well I'll see you uhh when we need to uh... leave." Dan stumbling over his words and walking to his room. I laughed at his failure to cover up anything. "Where you guys going?" Phil asked. "I got band practice at 1:00. Your welcome to come if you like." Then Dan walked up and put a hand on Phil's shoulder and said "I'm sure he'd love to but he has to edit a long video." He looked at Phil. "Er... uhh y-yeah." Phil agreed. I eyed then suspiciously and said, "Alright then... dan we gotta leave in ten." I told him. I closed the door and put on my combat boots. I also changed into a white tank top that was ripped in the back and had a big black cross on the front. It matched my bracelets and black ripped skinny jeans. I reapplied my make as needed and put in my nose stud. Along the years I saved up for three piercings on one ear, two on the other, and a nose stud. I walked out my room and into dans. "You ready." He looked at me and smiled. "Uhh yeah." I grabbed my leather jacket and said , "We are meeting at Kings Music Shop. I use the back room there all the time."

We arrived at the music shop and I unlocked it, as it was lunch break and closed. I walked to the back room and led Dan to meet my band mates. "Oi! I brought a friend if that's all right?" I called out. I knew it would be. "Dan this is Ara and Adam. You know Ezra and Zach of course." I looked at him through my hair. "So is this your boyfriend then?" Ara asked me. I coughed and said, "uhh... no this is just my friend, Dan." He gave a little wave. "Hi..." he said lightly. "Alright. So The Ballad Of Mona Lisa, today is it?" I asked. Ara nodded. I grabbed the mic on the stand. Dan sat in a chair and got out a camera. Course. The band started play the intro then I started singing. I bounced and riveted my voice like Brendan does. Or at least I tried. I out passion into my movements. I closed my eyes right on the high notes and tilted my chin up, then on the lower notes I opened my eyes and lowered my head and did small dance movements. "Mooonaa liisaaa, pleasa pleasaaa, mooonaaa liisaaa!" I opened my eyes wide and stared into the "audience" and did a sly smile. "GIVE ME A SIGN I WANNA BELIEEEEEEVVEEEE!" I poured out and finished the song. I did this with other songs like Habits (Stay High) by Tove Lo, Reverse by SomeKindaWonderful, and finally, probably my most favorite song, Bleeding Out by Imagine Dragons. It's hard to sing that song without crying. I sang through the song and could feel passion flowing throughout my body and I moved my leg to the beat. As the chorus was about to song I picked up the mic an started singing without the stand. When it gets to the "So I bare my skin and I count my sins and I close my eyes and I take it in!" it was nearly impossible not to cry and I took off my bracelets. I threw them off with every word throughout the song and let my voice rivet how it wanted to. By the end of the song all my bracelets were off and on the floor. I end the song by singing "I'm bleeding out for you." And looked at Dan. He was smiling and looked glassy eyed. I was on the verge of crying myself. "That was absolutely beautiful!" Ezra came up to me and patted me on the back. Ara gave every one high fives and zach complimented every one while Adam smiled and started cleaning up. I gathered my bracelets and put then in my jacket pocket and zipped them up. My cuts were exposed. Not covered. Open. I'm giving my secrets away and letting people know of my sins. Dan came over to me and put his arms around my waste and kissed me. I put my hands in his hair and was making sure not to touch his neck. We moved our lips up and down. We were like this for about 2 minutes until Ara cleared her throat. "Ehem." She said loudly. Dan and I broke apart and smiled as we pressed our foreheads together. I turned to Ara. Dan still held me around my stomach. I laughed and gave Ara my attention. "Sorry to break up the snog fest. But I'm having a party on Friday to kick off summer. You guys are invited. You can bring who you like," she smiled wryly "as long as they aren't cops." She walked away to finish helping. I looked back and up at Dan. "Dan, you up for a party?" I smiled at him and he smiled at me wildly. "Course." He told me.

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