Chapter 1

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Authors Note-

So this is my first book ever (at least on this. I write horror adventure stories in my free time) hi by the way. I am bella and I have always wanted to kinda do something creative so basically here we go! A danisnotonfire fan fic. Hope you like it(: biiii!

Chapter One

Hi. Let me introduce myself. I'm Maximum. But you can call me Max. Yes yes I am a girl. My parents were going to name me Maximus if I was a boy or maximum if I was a girl. Now, you may think that with all the name planning that my life is great and amazing. Not quite the case. I'm 16 at the moment. My parents may have planned a name, but not me. They didn't mean to make me, but I got made anyway (oops) . after I was born, my mom killed herself. In a way I envy her. She got away from my abusive dad. She escaped. And she left me behind. But at least one of us is out. Now you can probably guess that I'm still abused. That's basically all you need to know. Now enough with my backstory. Let's get on with the parts you care about.

I wake up to a pale light. I remember my fuck up last night. Oh here we go. I had mouthed off to my dad. Bad mistake. But at least I got my thoughts out. I'm not saying I like the guy, but he's not extremely bad. He just has a temper that's all. So it could be worse. I just have to listen. And he actually is smart enough not to hit me in the face because then I could report it easily. This works out in a way that I don't bruise my face. I looked at my arm. He hit me with a rolling pin from the kitchen last night. Ugh. Another thing I have to hide. Shit. And if you realize that I sound American, I am. We may live in London, but I don't have an accent. All though I do pick up on their speech patterns sometimes. I got out of bed. I looked for where I hid my phone, iPod, and computer. My dad would sell them if he found them. I checked the time: 5:30 am. This may be early to you but I like leaving before my dad wakes up. I can use the crappy school wifi to watch youtube. It helps me escape. It also gives me a place to think an listen to music. I put on dark skinny jeans, greenish-grey combat boots, a long sleeved plaid shirt (rolled up), and an oversized knock off leather jacket with stretchy cloth sleeve cuffs and neck and him. I put on a thick layer of dark eyeliner and mascara with a light red lip tint. I take my waist long blonde hair and figure I'll grab my temporary dies and dip dye my hair at school. I chose I've blue today. I left a note for my dad (like I have to) and say that I'll be back to cook dinner and that I'm sorry for acting how I was. He makes me leave a note telling him where I'm going to be. He doesn't care as long as I'm back by dinner to get him something. Told you it could be worse. I went to a public bathroom and dip died my tips ice blue. I decided I'll go to the music store and practice. I don't have a guitar, but I like drawing and using their bass guitars and acoustic ones to practice. The guy there knows I don't have anywhere to go so he even gave me my own store keys. I love singing most. I felt so free. On the way to the store I popped my earbuds in and started singing along to "Dont You Worry Child" by Swedish Mafia House. I was actually pretty good. A woman comes into the music store sometimes and whenever she sees me she gives me tips on singing. It's really very kind of her. I had my whole life packed into my backpack. My favorite books I hide. My make shift art supplies I've stolen through out the years. Songs I've written. Everything. I could walk away now if I wanted. But I don't. It would be harder to live by myself. I arrive at the music shop and start strumming the acoustic guitars in the back room. I fallow along to the lyrics and music notes I've made.

It's about 7:00 am now. My school starts at 8:00 and gets out at 2:45. I figure I should pack up and head over to school. Throughout my time I watched my favorite youtubers, AmazingPhil and danisnotonfire. They help me escape. When I was highly considering suicide, their videos saved me, especially dans. it sounds stupid. "Their just youtubers. Stop being so dramatic" something along those lines might be running through your head. I get it. Believe I thinks it's crazy. But they just helped so much. I got to school and say down at the tables and just listened to music. I sung along to my favorite song "Reverse" by SomeKindaWonderful. I put all my passion into it. "I tell my story in reverse cuz it huUuRts, girl it huUrts too much to bare! But I'm tantalized my that legs and long hair! But if I could do it again, I would do it again!" My voice poured out. No one was at school so they couldn't hear me. I cried while singing. I always felt like crying when I heard this song. I loved it but it just hurt so much for me. Someone suddenly tapped me on the shoulder.

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