Chapter 11

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Dan grabbed by the wrists and pulled me up. I cried at hearing that I was finally safe. My lips still tingled from where he kissed me. "Why you crying?" he furrowed his brow but kept smiling. i sniffed. "I'm finally safe." I smiled and let more tears roll down. "Yes. You are." he smiled. "Now, you hungry?" he asked. I'm not used to breakfast. My dad rarely let me eat but if I let him know that I'm starving most days, he will most likely go ballistic. instead I just nodded. We walked into the kitchen and he told me the selection if cereal. I got myself cereal. I kinda gave away the hunger thing considering I ate three bowls. "How hungry were you?" dan asked. "Let's just leave it at very..." I looked down. "Right. Well. I never complimented on your amazing singing." he smiled at me. "Nah not really." I shrugged off. "Not really? I litrally thought 'woah is Brittany Spears here?'" there it is. My favorite thing he says. Literally. Oh my god. i smiled at him wildly. "I don't know why you were so nervous about singing in front of us. You are incredible." Dan looked at me and I looked away biting my lip. "I have an idea. Why don't you do a video with me?" he asked and I looked up shocked. "Uhh... Er... I don't know. Haven't really been in front of a camera before..." I told him.

"That's a lie. I watched your band on youtube. Yes you have." I went pale and blushed. He grinned from ear to ear. "Ummm...." I finally thought of an excuse "I wasn't import in the video though. Most everyone was just listening to the music and not really paying attention to me." I said. I felt quite accomplished. "That's a weak excuse." He rolled his eyes at me. I made a sad puffy face and looked down. "What's your band called, anyway" he asked. "Dreams and Demolition." I confirmed. "tell me bout it. " He leaned over the counter. He was doing this to have something in the video so I just rolled my eyes at him. "Please?" he stuck out his bottom lip and showed me his big puppy eyes. I literally can't say no to that. "We started out just doing covers but then they heard some songs I wrote," I knew I was going to regret telling him I wrote songs, "and then I started writing original songs for us. "Ahh so you write songs." He smiled at me. See? told you I would regret it. "...Yeahh... nothing much..." I couldn't stop staring at his eyes. "Will you show

Some to me?"

"Ehhh I don't think so..." By that I meant 'no way in hell am I doing another little performance for you because I would choke'. he did his puppy face. "No no no. You are not guilting me into this." I looked at him shaming him with my eyes. He mimicked my expression. "No. Dan, bad." I shamed him like a dog. He stuck out his lip and leaned in to me over the counter. I groaned


"Maaaaaaaxxxx..." he tilted his head and mimicked my pleading voice.

"I'm not agreeing to doing the songs. But I'll do a video if you stop giving me that look!" I negotiated.

"Oh alright." He have in. Yes. I won. Partially.

Phil walked into the kitchen and saw how close we are and us smiling. "Should I come back another time?..." we both blinked out of our stare. "Umm... err... n-no-nope!" Dan stuttered out and I bit my lip, blushing.

"Phil, Max has agreed to start doing some videos with us." He slyly smiled. That's not what I said.

"Actually I agreed to ONE video." I said rollin my eyes to Dan. So this is what Dan Howell is like in real life. I wonder if PJ or Zach Or Ezra knew what happened to Dan and I after he ran to bring me my phone. They must've been wondering why he didn't come back. Or they were thinking something completely wrong and mislead. As I think of this PJ texts me. It read.

"So did you and Dan hook up or something because no one came back?? Zach wanted me to ask since his phone died. ~PJ"

Dan must've seen me blush. "What's it say?"

"N-nothing." I rushed out to quickly. Dammit.

Phil looked over my shoulder and saw the text. He started laughing really hard "well? are you going to give PJ an answer or are they going to have to suspect their right?" he said through laughing. I glared at him. I texted back

"Tell Zach that it's a long story BUT NO WE DID NOT HOOK UP WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU I COULD BARELY SPEAK TO HIM! ~Max" I sent the text and PJ said

"Jeez (: seems like you have something to hide. Well next time we meet you can tell us this long story (; ~PJ"

I really didn't want to. Phil was laughing when he saw my reply. "Yeah you were pretty nervous weren't you? it would be kind of hard for you to do... that..." he said chuckling. "Oh for fucks sake what does it say?" Dan said, looking confused. I passed him the phone unwillingly. His neck went red and he bit his lip. "Oh. Well that's insane." he looked away and I bit my lip. I just realized that he's 20 something and I'm almost 17 and we had kissed. I mean it's not the end of the world though. He's not much older then me. When is my birthday? I know school ends in 5 days because tomorrow's my last day before holiday and summer. Damn is it June already? July 2 is my birthday so I have 3 weeks about. Wow. 3 weeks till I'm seventeen. That would've been about 16 years of abuse. I think I should get a tattoo saying "6/10, Freedom." Kinda like Toby in Pretty Little Liars. That's was yesterday. When I was saved from my dad. "When are you guys gonna do that video?" Phil said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "It's Dan's channel." I said gesturing. "We can record it today and i can upload it on Thursday." He stated. "Works for me. What kind of video?" I asked. "How about," he grinned slyly, "A Q&A, but also just a facts about ourselves kind of thing. I mean if your living here I think the viewers should get to know you. " He smiled. I blushed and rolled my eyes. "Yeah, sure. The viewers." I smiled at him, catching onto his bad cover up. He smiled and bit his lip. "Let's go record." he said, leading me to his room.

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