Chapter 13

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"That was not as embarrassing as I though it would be." I said, giving a slight smile. "See? told you." He grinned. I gave a bubbly laugh and he smiled. "So, when am I gonna hear you sing?" he raises his eyebrows at me. "When I get over my stage fright." I joked at him. "I already heard you in the shower. What's the difference?" he groaned. "I didn't see you when I was in the shower!" I explained and laughed. He gave me a sideways look "Well, actually..." I blushed at what he said and said "That doesn't count!" and smiled. "Besides singing and song writing, do you have any other hobbies or skills?" he asked curiously. "I play a bit of bass guitar and regular acoustic guitar." I couldn't stop smiling while talking. My bracelets were rolling up so I pushed them down, trying not to let Dan see. I got up and stretched and started walking to my room. "Hang on gotta check my phone for something." I told Dan. "Mmkay." He said as he lay down on the floor, I guess stretching. I looked at my phone and saw a text from Zach. I unlocked my phone and it read

"Can you do band practice today at 1:00? You can bring whoever to watch... ~Zach"

He was obviously hinting at Dan.

"Yeah let me tell... people that I want to watch. ~Max"

I didn't want Dan to watch actually. But unless I told him I wasn't going to band practice he would most likely not give up and want to come watch. "Hey Dan?" I said while walking back into his room. He wasn't there. Hmm. "Dan. DAN!" I called. "DANN!!" I had a loud voice naturally. I don't know why he didn't hear me. "DANIEL!" I basically screamed. All of a sudden I turned around and there was a big Robert Pattinson mask "AHHHHHHH FUC-!" I got cut off my scream when the masked person tackled me to the bed and started tickling me. I figured it was dan. "DAN DAN NO... NOO STOP HAHAHA DAN STOHOHOPPP!" I screamed as he continued tickling me. "THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR TOUCHING MY NECK AND MAKING ME FALL LAST NIGHT!" He yelled through his laughter. Then Phil walked in and he turned around with the Robert mask on. "What's goi- AH!" Phil yelled as Dan jumped at him in the mask. I was still laughing on the bed. Dan took off the mask and was laughing extremely hard along with me while we watched Phil run to his room and shut the door. "God that mask is terrifying! do not do that again!" I said gasping and grabbing my heart. Dan kept laughing. "Payback bitch!" he managed to say back. "Anyway, I was trying to tell you that I have band practice at 1:00." I told him. "Cannn iii coooommmeee?" he asked and rested his head on my shoulder, looking up with big eyes and a big smile. "Fineeee" I groaned. he did a little arm dance and jumped up. "We aren't doing any original songs at the moment. Just covers. " I told him. He made a small pouty face. I rolled my eyes and started walking out of his room. "I don't know why you want to see me sing so bad. I'm not that good." I say before he grabs me and turns me around and puts his lips to my forehead. I looked up, surprised. He smiled at me and looked in my eyes. "Your great from what I've already heard. And I want to here you properly, and not through a door." He smiled and let me go. " right... well I'm .... gonna go and.... get ready now......" I smiled because I honestly felt like I was going to pass out. I got dizzy and kinda just wobbled away.

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