Chapter 7

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We were at Zachs by this point. I sat in the corner couch and didn't really speak much. "Max?" I heard someone in the room say longly, as if they had been trying to get m attention multiple times. "Oh y-yeah... sorry..." I looked up and it was PJ speaking. i bit my lip "I was just saying that maybe you would like to show these guys how good of a singer you really are?" he asked pleadingly. No. No no no no no no no no. I will not. Not. No. Bad PJ. Bad. i shook my head more vigorously than I planned on. And then if course I blushed and bit my lip harder. I thought of the idea again. No. I started bouncing my legs again and knotting my knuckles. No. Just no. "Pleeeeeaaaaaasssseee???" PJ tilted his head and stuck out his bottom lip. He made his eyes all big. He looked like a little puppy. I sighed and glared at him. "Oh fine." He said, smirking and trying to act massively disappointed. I got my phone out when people stopped looking at me and sent PJ a text. " PJ I can barely speak to them. Do you honestly think I could sing in front of them?? " I sent the text to PJ and he looked up. " Max their normal people. You don't have to be embarrassed." PJ said. Out fucking loud. Oh my mother fucking lord in the heavens above what the fuck. What the actual... oh my god everyone is staring at me. I went wide eyed and shot a glare that I was surprised didn't shoot lasers at PJ. He just kept grinning ear to ear at why he did. I blushed so much I didn't even know it was possible. I but at my lip. God can they please stop staring at me. Zach, Ezra, And PJ were trying extremely hard not to burst out laughing. The were failing miserably. "Oh dear Peej? could I please speak with you a moment in the next room." With no witnesses. I thought. I smiled politely at him. He bit his lip and followed. "If I'm not back in ten minutes send a search party. " He said, jokingly. Little did he know. We walked into the bathroom. "Okay what the actual hell was going through your mind when you did that?!" I said louder than I wished. Dammit. he smiled sheepishly "you needed to get out your comfort zone...??" he asked more as a question then an answer. "I was already out my comfort zone when they walked through the shop door, thank you very much. " I informed him. "It's fine, max. They've probably already forgotten. " He said, giving me a thumbs up. I rolled my eyes to look back at him. We walked out. "I'm alive!" he said, giving a double thumbs up. I blushed more and rolled my eyes. Biting my lip I sat back down at the couch. I suddenly remembered I had a curfew I needed to stick to. I checked my phone. 10:15. Shiiiittttttt. "Oh holy shit I have to run!" I jumped up "bye nice seeing and meeting you all, but I got to go sorry!" I ran out the door an sprinted towards my direction once I shot out the building. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I am dead. I am dead. I felt tears stinging my eyes. I heard someone calling my name, all though I dot know how in London. "MAX! YOU FORGOR YOUR PHONE!" I looked back to see Dan behind me. Crap he came literally right as I started crying. Oh here we go. "Hey- max are you okay?" he said leaning down at my face. I didn't have time for this. "Yeah I'm fine. Thanks for bringing my phone. " I said sniffing and wiping my eyes. I reached for my phone. He looked at the screen and saw a reminder saying "Get Home Now. Your Dead. " I grabbed the phone "What's that message for? strict dad?" I paused for too long. Dammit. "Uh n-nothing. Just..... Have to... er... watch a horror film! yeah I'm trying to kinda 'freak myself out' first and get..... you know......pumped...." there is no way in hell that worked. " You are a fucking horrible liar." He said, looking down at me. "Now tell me what's wrong. " He insisted. I had to go. " Dan thanks for your concern but I really really really have to run. Like, now. " I said turning away. But he grabbed my wrist. The one I had recently cut. I winced. I looked back. Oh fuck. The bracelets fell back an the jacket had rolled up. He was looking at my multiple scars and cuts. Shit. "Max. What is happening and why are the millions of cuts on your wrist?" he asked looking up at my face with his chocolate brown eyes. I couldn't think of any excuse. I just know I had to go, NOW. "Maxxx?" he said, stronger though. He took both my hands and looked at the other wrist. "Max? why the hell are you cutting yourself?!" he said, looking hurt almost. Jeez I don't know him that well. He shouldn't feel this bad. "Dan. Please. I am begging you. I have got to go. Please. I'm going to have a lot worse than those cuts if I don't leave. Dan I am begging you. " I was crying hard. I was basically pleading for my life. But to the wrong person. "WHO is doing this to you?! Or MAKING you do this to yourself?!" he demanded. "Dan! it doesn't really matter! just go about your life! I am fine! I will be fine if you please would just let me go!" I cried. I'm going to get killed if he doesn't let go. his eyes went cold. "Max, how old are you?" I looked at him confused. "W-what? why does that matter?" I stuttered. "Just answer me how old are you max?"

"Sixteen" I looked into his eyes searching for answers.

"Your dad does these things to you doesn't he?" he asked, surprisingly calm. I looked away.

"Doesn't he?" he said more stern.

I nodded.

"Why haven't you told anyone?"

I didn't answer that.

He pulled me closer and gripped me tighter. I winced. He's not my dad though. So I don't know why.

"Max? answer me. " He demanded and held me in his chocolate gaze. He wouldn't let go.

"Because he would kill me if he found out I had told." I said shamefully.

He nodded. "Dan I need to go." He was tracing the bruise on my arm now. "I'm coming with you. " He stated firmly. "And no, that was not a question. It's not up for discussion. " He would get hurt if I let him come. "Dan no. He would go ballistic. Just let me deal with him please. I may have to do some degrading things tonight to make up for my being late, but I'm not letting you get hurt because of me." I shot back. Dan looked me in the eyes and wouldn't move his grip from my hands. He lifted my wrist to his face. What was he doing? he looked at my wrists and pressed his lips to my scars, kissing them. He did this to the other wrist and spoke one thing to me, looking in my eyes.

"Too bad. "


I honestly fangirled really hard writing this chapter. I really hope whoever is reading this enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. Biiiiiii

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