Chapter 16

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It's a few days after the party, and I'm sitting on the pull out couch, thinking. I am still worried about telling Dan my secrets. He already knows my dad abused me, and my mom killed herself, but that's not it. There is something much worse than all those things combined. It may not seem bad, but trust me, when it comes about, it takes everything I can not to kill myself.

And, unfortunately, has nearly failed me multiple times.

Before I get much into it, you know how there is always that person that is constantly being absolutely unbearably mean and is always making you feel horrible, and then sometimes they say something that is actually true because you can trace it back to something that has happened? So then you spend awhile just feeling like absolute shit and hurting from all the emotional pain?

Well, it's like that.

But always worse because the insane factor is added to it.

And, not only is it like that, but it gives you a massive headache.

So, basically, the problem I have is-

I heard a quick knock that sounded urgent. Like, someone just burned down the house and John Barrowman was in the fire, urgent.

I snapped out of my thoughts and went to my door, and instead of just Dan or Phil, I saw a fake blonde with fake, orange skin. She wore a dress that didn't even really go into her thighs at all, stopped just past her 'area', and was skin tight. It was extremely tight around her breasts, which pushed them up to make them look bigger, although, she probably has implants so I don't see the point. She had extremely long, and not-fooling-anybody-fake eyelashes, with so much concealer that if you were to smack her with a book, it probably would break on all of the make up. And then I saw how extremely high her heels were, like holy hell on a stick, they are high. But she must be very short because I am still taller.

"Um, hi. Who are you?" I asked in a confused tone.

"I'm Precious. And I am back for Dan, he is mine, and I saw you with him at that party-"

I cut her off.

"Whoa, wait, how the hell did you know he was going to be at that party and why were you there? That was a freaking teenage party, and sorry sweets, but you're not fooling anyone." I said in a harsher tone.

"And seriously, did your parents want a dog and instead got a kid so they just used the same name anyway?" I glared her up and down.

"Listen bitch," and the 'Precious' slapped my face, but it was weak compared to what I was used to.

Before she could get out her words I grabbed her by her hair and kicked roughly into the front of her ankle, making her yell in pain.

"Bitch, you hit me first, there for no charges in my part. And that was a horrible mistake because I'm not a weak rich girl who thinks she knows how to fight." I said with a smirk on my face.

Then Dan and Phil walked in, but stopped trying to call Precious off because they must have realized I got it covered. I had to learn how to handle myself, and my dad inadvertently taught me some moves.

I punched her in her throat and then gathered up all her hair and tugged back so it smacked the wall.

I threw her onto the floor and rammed my foot down onto her stomach multiple times.

"Listen, Dan and I might not be together, but it's pretty fucking obvious that none of us here want you to come around. So I'm cutting this off before it starts. You come round near me, Dan, or Phil, or any of my friends for that matter, I will personally beat you so hard that you will be nothing but a bruised lump in a slutty dress, asking for money while they thrust on a pole. Do you hear me bitch?" I said in a gruff tone.

"He's mine! I'm not afraid of you!" she screamed back.

I punched her in her mouth and saw her mouth bleed. I brought my boot down harder and harder. Then I kicked her ribs three times.

"Bitch! You stay away from me and my friends," I screamed back and I heard her whimper.

I dragged her out of the flat by her hair, and when I reached the door, I walked with her to the stairs. I pulled her up and grabbed her by the back of her neck and by her hair and held her on the edge of the stairs.

"Listen bitch, you come by anyone like Dan, Phil, me, or any of my friends, I will throw you down these stairs. Or I will personally beat you to a lump. Now get out!" I whispered harshly into her ear and with that, I threw her into the wall by the stairs, and stalked back inside and slammed the door shut.

Dan and Phil were both staring at me. I just smirked.

"Dan, never figured that 'Blonde and Clingy' were your type." As I said this his neck turned red and he cleared his throat.

"Sorry about her. . . But it looked like you could handle it." He said with a weak smile.

"Yeah, well something came out of being raised the way I am." I said as I walked back to my room to cool down.




Sorry if this is shorter than my usual and already short chapters, but I had writers block and I wanted to update to this story because it had been so long. I find myself stumped a lot with this story. But yet again, you don't know what Max's secret. No I'm not going to play it up too much because it's not extremely huge and the more I make it seem huge the harder it is going to be to play it up to the expectations.

So sorry for not posting a lot for this, but my internet is still pretty shaky and I'm not going to have a steady update schedule until the end of August and then school starts in September so I may have a lower update rate because of school work.

So thank you and I hope you are enjoying this, and GOODBIII!!

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