Squeals and Ring Pops(TempInk)

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This was requested by KinkyLilShiet

Template loved the Aus. He loved them so, so much. He studied every Au, drew things from in every au.. Did everything with aus! And when he found out there was someone else who loved and protected the aus he had to meet this person, they were his idol! Ink, Ink was his idol. 

Temp looked up to Ink so much. He found him so cool, and had grown a crush on him, even without meeting him. He would always mentally squeal when he saw pictures of Ink, and thought about him constantly. It was like he had met his soulmate without even meeting them! 

Temp had gotten ready for the day. He was going to go to the Omega Timeline to look through the aus and get inspiration to draw. He made a portal into the Omega Timeline and headed in, immediately running into someone. As he did so his glasses fell off. 

"Oh-- Sorry!" He apologized quickly before going to get them. The other chuckled. "It's alright." That voice. "INK?!" Temp almost screamed, though he covered his mouth as he put his glasses back on, seeing the colourful skeleton in all of his glory. "Uh.. Yeah? What's up?" Ink asked, his eye-lights turning to question marks. 

Temp squealed into his hand, making Ink chuckle. "I- Love you! You're so cool and amazing and-" Temp rambled on, Ink listening to every word he said. He couldn't help but be flattered. "Aw geez- Thanks." Ink said, rubbing the back of his neck. 

Temp, unusually, threw his arms around Ink in a hug. Ink let out another chuckle, hugging Tempo and rubbing his back a bit. In a squealy fit, Temp gave Ink his phone number, than ran off, squealing. 

It had been a few months since that encounter. Temp was still pretty amazed that he met Ink, and had gotten close to him! They hung out almost every day! It was great!! In fact, Temp was going to see Ink right now, who had something planned. 

Ink felt something around Temp, he wasn't sure what it was, but he knew it felt good. As Temp came into the Doodlesphere Ink went over to him. He smiled a bit as he hugged the other, soon enough the two breaking apart. 

"So, do you have anything planned?" Temp asked. "Yes, actually!" Ink said with a proud smile. It was cheesy, really, and mildly childish, but did Ink care? Not one bit! Ink took Template to Outertale, a beautiful Au. 

"Woooww!!" Temp said with a smile, sitting down. Ink sat beside him, smiling a bit. Ink took a breath in, smiling a bit. "Hey, Temp, can I ask you something?" Temp let out a soft hum, looking at him. 

Ink turned away, fittiling with something for a moment. It sounded like something was being unwrapped. He turned around, a blue ring pop in his hand. Ink, cheesily, got down on one knee, making Temp gasp. "We've been friends for a few months and- I feel around you, I feel- Happy, and good!" Ink started, Temp covering his mouth. 

"I love you, will you be my boyfriend?" Temp, squealing, nodded furiously. "Of course!!" Tackling Ink to the ground in a hug, he held him close, smiling happily. After a few minutes of this the two looked to each other, and shared a short but sweet kiss. 

"I love you." Ink repeated happily. "I love you, too!" Temp replied with a smile, cuddling up to Ink. The two stayed in Outer for the rest of the day, cuddling. 

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