Scaredy Cat (IBVS Crossmare)

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This wasn't requested by anyone, however, this is for Crossmare's anniversary. It's IBVS of course because I love this AU soooo much. ALSO please read the most recent chapter of IBVS. This does have a kinda spoilish thing? (Mostly about something dealing with what happened with DDLC and IBVS-) (ALSO- ^Art by me^)

Once again Chris was at Nevin's house. He had been super bored, and had gone to bother Nevin as he usually would. After the whole Monika incident, they had seemed to grow closer. Maybe it was Chris knowing that Nevin was gay- Which, he didn't particularly mind, or maybe it was that they had fended off a weird-ass glitchy, satanic lady from a game. 

At the moment, the two were watching a movie. What movie one may ask? Why of course, the Bee Movie! At the moment, Chris was laughing and Nevin was trying to ignore how terrible this movie actually was. Chris had only picked this movie for comedic purposes of course- As well as the fact he is a 'meme god'. 

To distract himself, Nevin got up, telling Chris he'd be back, and went to the kitchen. He grabbed one of those bags of really bad microwavable popcorn and put it in the microwave, then went and grabbed some batter and began to make waffles along with the popcorn. At least the two wouldn't starve, right? 

After about 10 minutes (the popcorn already being done, of course) Chris walked into the kitchen. He raised an eyebrow at Nevin, who was skillfully making his favourite breakfast. "It's not even-" Before Chris could finish his sentence a waffle was shoved in his mouth with a 'shush'ing noise to follow it.  

Chris raised an eyebrow, but chewed on the waffle that was now in his mouth as he watched Nevin make more. He sighed as he finished the waffle, still watching Nev. At the moment he was quietly humming to himself as he cooked. 

Soon enough Nevin finished making about two-dozen waffles. He set the plate on the table, looking up at Chris. "I.. Never said I was hungry," Chris said sheepishly. He wasn't really that hungry, in all honesty. Nev gave a shrug. "They'll be for Drew when he gets back." Chris nodded a bit as he sat down politely and just watched as Nevin ate a few waffles. 

Once he was done he grabbed the popcorn and went back into the living room, putting on Saw to watch. Chris sat down beside him as said movie began to play. Chris had never liked to admit this tiny factor about himself, but he hated Horror movies. He got scared and would generally end up clinging to a blanket- But of course since Nevin was here he would inevitably end up clinging to said person. 

About halfway through the movie blood and gore started to get really bad. Chris had been cringing a bit through it, and now was just 'a bit' scared. A couple of times he had gripped onto Nevin's left arm, though he'd try not to too much. This was his breaking point, though. He couldn't take it anymore. He threw his arms around Nevin and hid his face in the side of his neck, between it and his shoulder. Nevin let out a 'pfft' at this, but didn't try to push Chris away, as a matter of fact, he wrapped his arm around him and gave his back a pat. 

After the rest of the movie finished, Chris was left cuddled up to Nevin with his eyes shut tightly. "It's over." He told Chris as he shifted his arm to push the taller away from him. Chris opened his hetorochromic eyes and glanced at the TV screen. It was indeed over. He let out a sigh of relief as he saw the credits. 

Chris got up, shakily. He was being snickered at by Charlie, who was now teasing him about being a scardy-cat. "Would you shut up?" He asked, well, more so demanded, Charlie. He didn't of course. Chris groaned as he went into the bathroom and splashed some water on his face. 

Nevin sat on the couch, pondering Chris and his cuddles. It felt- Nice, honestly. Nevin may have seemed all cold and like he could never love anyone, though he could- And that person, he had found, was Nevin. That was a big reason he wasn't nessisaraly too scared of telling Monika he was gay openly- Other than her getting off of his ass. 

Chris came back out and sat beside Nevin. Since it was fairly late at night he had just ended up putting on Adult Swim and letting it play as background noise. Nev leaned against Chris a bit, closing his eyes as he did so. Chris glanced at Nevin before smiling a bit and wrapping his arm around him. 

"NO!" Chris heard Charlie scream to him. "I swear to GOD if you-" Chris began to ignore Charlie before he could finish his sentence. Nevin leaned into Chris more, sighing in a happy manner. Nevin nuzzled himself into Chris more as he was held, obviously happier than he had been with everything else that had been going on. 

After a bit Nevin glanced up at Chris, who raised an eyebrow at him. Nevin gave him the most adorable smile Chris had ever seen. He couldn't help but let out a small smile. Before Chris could think anymore Nevin leaned up, making their lips meet quickly. 

Their shared kiss was short, but it said more than the two ever could. Nevin broke away soon enough, then sighed happily again, closing his eyes once again and leaning up against Chris as he had done before. 

Meanwhile, in Chris's mind, Charlie was screaming at him. That was disgusting to him! Chris had just kissed someone, let alone another guy!! How could he!? He gagged a bit as he continued to yell at Chris, who just ignored him, too busy in the present with Nevin. Soon enough Charlie just actually shut up, letting it happen- Though he wasn't happy. 

Later on, after Chris left, Drew squealed over his brother and Chris being together. It was way too cute for him to not to! This did, however, cause a bit of teasing from Nevin about a specific slightly long blonde haired male who Nevin knew his brother had a crush on. 

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