Girls have cooties! But you don't... (IBVS AfterDeath)

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Read the new chapter of IBVS before this, please- 

Picture up there by me.

Reuben wasn't stupid, by any means of the word. He was- Sneaky. Someone who drugged a teacher couldn't have been stupid- However, when it came to the most feared thing in the school, maybe he was a bit. Cooties. Now- Reuben, even as a young child, knew he liked Geno- I mean, he constantly bothered him and he was fun to mess with! And that rush when Geno said they could be friends... But- That wasn't the point. Girls had cooties. 

Reuben and Geno were stuck inside- Well, rather, Geno was stuck inside and Reuben had decided to stay with him. Geno couldn't go outside, and Reuben- Didn't want to kill any more plants or get caught killing one. He was sitting on Geno's desk at the moment, making small talk, when a little girl walked in. She was pouting, not happy about something. 

Geno looked up at the girl, but didn't ask what was wrong. She had probably hurt someone outside and gotten recess detention. She, very dramatically, threw herself into her seat. Her arms cross and she let out a huff- She then saw Geno and Reuben. 

This little trouble maker of a child got the worst idea. She got up and walked over to Geno, and poked him. Geno looked up at her, only raising an eyebrow. "HE GAVE ME COOTIES!" The child then screamed out, only for the teacher to look at the three and sigh. 

When the teacher left Reuben looked around. No one was going to touch HIS Geno! Even if they were in third grade, Geno was his. He didn't care if he got teased for being gay. He got up and went over to the girl. Geno watched, then realized what Reuben was doing- But it was too late. Reuben touched the girl, making her immediately fall over. Her breathing stopped, and Reuben drug her to the closet. 

"Reuben, are you insane?!" Geno exclaimed, watching him drag the dead body away. Reuben looked at Geno, then shrugged. Geno face-palmed. "You're going to get caught! They have cameras in the school!" "The cameras got shut off," Reuben replied with a smug smile. Geno took his glasses off, only to hit his head into his hands. 

Reuben gave a shrug, sitting back on his desk. Geno looked up at him, letting out a scoff. As he did this his head bumped into Reuben. For a split second both of them looked utterly terrified- However, nothing happened. It didn't even hurt for Geno to touch Reuben. 

Reuben then got a huge smile on his face. Geno was going to say something, but before he could Reuben threw himself at Geno, wrapping his arms around him in a tight hug. No one EVER got to hug Reuben and- It honestly felt nice. Geno sighed, moving his arms around Reuben. He held him as he just cuddled up to him. 

"I have cooties." Geno then pointed out. "What?" Reuben asked, looking up at Geno, who's chest he had buried his head in. "She touched me." He pointed out with a shrug. "No, she has cooties, you don't!" Reuben said with a nod. "What?" Geno questioned. "Only girls have cooties." 

"Oh." Geno murmured, then shrugged, moving his arms back around Reuben. After a bit one of the teachers came in, seperating the two for 'PDA'. The teacher than explained PDA meant Public Display of Affection- But Reuben had his plan. 

Later on that day, before they left school, Reuben begged Geno to let him come home with him. After enough begging Geno finally agreed. Reuben walked home with Ed and Geno. Ed teased Geno a bit, saying words like "Boyfriend". This made Geno's face very red. He didn't like Reuben that way! Sure, he was cool, but he didn't love him!!

Reuben, on the other hand, was turning a soft shade of red. Admittedly, he had a huge crush on Geno. After a bit of walking, Reuben slipped his hand into Geno's. Luckily, he didn't seem to mind, letting their fingers intertwine. Maybe Ed was right- Maybe Reuben was going to be Geno's boyfriend..

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