The Glitch and The Nightmare (Errormare)

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Error sat in his void, playing with his 'puppets'. He was making them talk to each other as if they were dolls. He loved to do this so much. He loved playing with his little dolls- It was extremely feminine, but he enjoyed it. He sighed to himself as he blinked, thinking of what to do with the dolls next.

Nightmare was fucked. The Star Sanses were on his tail- If he didn't go somewhere he would be dead within minutes. He managed to go off to a corner and hide from them, making a portal. He didn't know where exactly he was going, but he knew he was getting away from those pesky other Sanses, including his brother.  

Nightmare took a breath in and jumped through the portal, landing in the Anti-Void. He looked around, curious as to where his friend, Error, was. He shrugged, mostly to himself, and began to aimlessly walk. If he just waited it out the Star Sanses would go off and deal with someone else. 

As Nightmare walked he ran into someone- Well, tripped over them. "Hey! Watch where you're going!" The glitchy voice called towards Nightmare. He got up and looked over to Error. "Oh god, what do you want, hentia monster?" Error questioned, raising an eyebrow. 

"I'm running from the Star Sanses." 

"And you came here just because of that?" 


Error groaned, making his dol- Puppets disappear. "Were you playing with dolls?" Nightmare questioned. 

"What- No!" Error growled. Nightmare laughed to himself. 

"That's great, Error plays with dolls."

"W-W-Would you sh-sh-shut the fuck u-u-up?!" Error began to glitch badly. Nightmare looked at him, then shut himself up. Error huffed, getting up and walking off to get away from the other.

Nightmare, of course, followed Error. "Stop following me." Error groaned.

"Why?" Nightmare asked, try to annoy Error more.

"I want to be alone." He stated simply. Nightmare shrugged and continued to follow Error. 

Error sat in a corner away from most things, curled up. He hummed to himself. Nightmare came and sat across from him. Error glanced up at him but said nothing. "Hey, Error?" He then asked.


"We're friends, right?" 

Error fell silent, then gave a hesitant nod. Of course, he loved Nightmare- As more than a friend. He had thought about letting the goop monster he acted so mean to touch him but- It had never happened. 

Nightmare sighed, looking to Error. Error raised a skele-brow at the other. "I hate being happy, but-" Nightmare sighed. "Around you, I feel... Happy??" Error felt his cheeks heat up at this. 

"What?" Error didn't glitch, he just asked a simple question.

"I said, I feel... Happy around you." 

Error stared at Nightmare. This had to be a joke. "You're kidding." He stated.

"No- Error I-" 

Error cut Nightmare off by giving him a hug. His body jerked at first, but calmed down in the other's arms. Error felt safe for the first time in a long while.  Nightmare slowly wrapped his arms around the other skeleton, a small smile on his face. "I love you.." Nightmare murmured to Error.

Error glanced up at Nightmare, and gave him a soft smile- His cheeks flushed with a yellow. "I love you, too."

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