Astronomy and Cuddles (Sci x Outer)

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This was requested by Sci18-ship 

Also sorry this is so short- I can't exactly play out what I want to do in this really well- Especially because I ship Classic and Outer after Underverse 0.4, thanks, Jakei-

Art work by me. 

 Science had been looking through the newly found AUs, to see if there was any AU he wanted to go and check out. Throught everything one AU stuck out, Outertale. The AU was one of the only ones where you could see actual stars. Actual, real stars, not like the fake ones in the waterfall. He smiled to himself and teleported to said AU, this huge smile on his face. 

When he got to the AU he saw a Sans he had seen before- Outertale Sans. He'd come to the Classic AU (Undertale) awhile ago, and had conversed with Sci. He gave Outer a soft smile, then looked above him. Stars. Real ones. They were amazing. Sci stared up at them in awe for a bit. He couldn't help it, these were amazing! 

Outer chuckled as he walked over to Sci. "I could show you around if ya want." He said. Sci nodded, his eye-lights turning into little stars. Outer took his hand and teleported him to the Ruins to show him around and let him meet everyone. 

Once Outer showed him around the whole AU they sat down at the edge of one of the cliffs in Snowdin, talking. After a bit Sci leaned on Outer, closing his sockets as Outer talked about the history of the Au. He talked about how a human had come, what they had done, and more. Sci would occasionally say something, like that a few humans had come, but none of them Determination souls. 

Outer, after some time, had wrapped his arm around Sci. The two never had any verbal communication after this, just assumptions. This had lead to Sci, who needed sleep desperately, falling asleep on Outer's shoulder. Outer had taken him to his house afterwards, tucking him into the covers. 

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