Chapter 44: Fight: Round 2!

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Dani's POV

I was pissed, majorly pissed. How dare that fuckin sleaze ball think he has the right to tough me! That chauvinistic bigot! I cross to the other side of the room and stand next to Gunner.

Jeremy's picking himself up off the floor, I hope that Jackass is in pain.

"Booker and I scooping out the situation tonight," Barney announces. "Gunner, Dani you're coming with us."

"Why?" I ask.

"We're gonna need to get as close as possible to the compound. I seriously doubt that they don't have guards paroling the outside of it." Barney explains. "You two are going to cover our backs."

"Can't wait," I say rolling my eyes. I feel someone tap me on my shoulder, I turn around to see who it is. Before I can even see who it is, the person smacks me. The force of it makes my head snap to the side. I look and see Jeremy standing there glaring at me.

"Oh, me kicking your ass once wasn't enough!" I yell. Out of the corner of my eye I see the guys take a step towards Jeremy, glaring as they do so.

"Hit me with your best shot, bitch," Jeremy growls and takes a fighting stance.

"My pleasure, asshole," I say and get into a fighting stance. I drop down and sweep his legs out from underneath him. However, he quickly gets up and delivers a swift uppercut to my abdomen. Pain erupts where he hit.

I quickly deliver a hook to his chin, he counters with a straight punch. Black spots dance across my vision, but I don't think my nose is broke. Swiftly I deliver a bolo punch the side of his head. He looks slightly daze, this is my window of opportunity. I karate kick him in the chest, but before I my kick lands his hand shoots out and grabs my ankle. Jeremy twists my ankle around, causing my whole body to shift, making me face the wall. He makes the mistake of loosening his grip on me. I yank away from him and tackle him to the ground. I'm on top of him punching him then he rolls on top of me and starts punching me.

The pattern continues until a pair of arms pull me off Jeremy and a pair of arms grab Jeremy rip him away from me. But before Jeremy is out of my reach, I claw his face with my nails.

"That's enough!" Booker yells. He and Barney had grabbed Jeremy and Gunner had grabbed me.

"Lemme go I fuckin rip him apart! Let me at him!" I screech. The grip on me is tightened.

"Oh yeah! I'd like to see you try, you little slut!" Jeremy yells. Barney and Booker yank him backwards.

"Slut?! Is that the best you got?!," I yell. "I've been called worse!"

"That's enough!" Booker yells again. Booker pushes Jeremy out the door at yells," Take a walk!" at him.

Gunner then releases me, the tension in the room is thick. My nose throbs a little, that jackass.

"You good?" Tara asks me.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm good," I answer. I set down in the corner and bring my hand up to my nose. It stings when I touch it.

""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""I am so so so so so sorry it's taken this long for me to update!!!

I don't own The Expendables. No copyright intended. I only own Dani, Tara, and the plot.

Please comment and vote. Tell me some of your ideas and things I need to improve on!

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