Chapter 40: Flight

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Dani's POV

To escape the noisy guys, I'm in the back of the plane lying down. My head is still killing me but luckily I no longer have any nausea. Every time we hit turbulence it's like tiny little daggers are trying to inch their way into my brain. In short, it fucking feels like I'm dying. *thump* *thump* *thump* Great, I here footsteps. I sit up as the door opens and everybody's favorite Brit steps through.

"Hey, how ya feelin?" Lee asks softly.

"Like I got kicked by a horse," I answer.

"Thought so. I brought you some aspirin," Lee says and tosses a bottle of pills and a water bottle to me.

I smile softly and say," Thanks."

"No problem," Lee returns my smile. "I better get back up front."

He turns and walks away, closing the door as quietly as possible. I pop two pills in my mouth and wash them down with the water. Sitting up isn't helping my headache so I lie down again. I wonder how much longer we have till we land.

Hopefully long enough for my head to stop hurting. Going into conflict with a headache, not such a great idea. Ugh, fuck me! I'm not getting drunk ever again. Ehhh who am I kidding, I'll never learn. The aspirin is slowly taking effect, offering me some relief.

It's lonely back here alone, I might as well drag myself up there. Standing up is making me slightly dizzy but other than that, I feel ok. The guys are just sitting around and cracking jokes when I get up there.

"Well look who it is, our favorite drunk is here," Hale teases

"Put a sock in it Caesar," I mumble.

He puts his hands up in surrender and the guys laugh.

"Why were you at Tool's," Yin asks me.

"Got a new tattoo," I answer. " 'bout halfway through he pulls out a bottle of alcohol."

The guys were all looking at me expectingly, what was up with them?

"What?" I ask.

"Well what'd ya get? We allll want to know," Hale elaborates.

"Oh," I mutter. " Hang on."

I pull up my shirt and begin in to unravel the bandage from around my torso. When I finish I drop the bandage to the side and hold my shirt up so the others can see the rose I got tattooed on my stomach.

"Nice," Hale says. "Very sexy."

"Glad you think so," I reply.

"Very nice," Barney says. I just now realize that he and Lee had turned their heads out of the cockpit so they could see.

"Nicely done Dani," Tara starts. "Another piece of non-removable artwork on your skin."

"There's this new thing called Laser Removal," I reply. "Look it up."

Tara, childishly, sticks her tongue out at me. I take my seat next to Gunner and prop my feet up on his lap. Gunner looked over at me with 'what the hell' look and my reply was a shrug. I notice something out the corner of my eye. It looked like Lee whipping his around back into the cockpit. And he didn't seem cheery.

I pull my legs off Gunner and walk to the front of the plane and take a seat, on the ground between Barney and Lee.

"How's the hang over," Barney asks.

"It's good," I answer. " The aspirin Lee gave me really helped."

Barney shoots Lee a suspicious look. I don't think Lee cares, he looks pretty angry. Not the violent type of angry though, the kind of angry you get when you don't understand something.

""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""I don't own The Expendables. No copyright intended. I only own Dani, Tara, and the plot.

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