Authors Note

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Is there anybody else out there who can't wait for The Expendables 3? I know I can't! August 15 just can't get here fast enough! It's gonna be great, with it's amazing actors and kick-ass plot!

Who else is stoked that they added a
girl to the team? A big, roaring applause to Ronda Rousey who is playing said girl!

I'm a little disappointed that they aren't bringing back Bruce Willis as Church. He was jackass, true. But he was still awesome! Anyone else agree?

I don't know about any of you guys but I'm gonna be at my local theater on opening night to watch this sure-to-be amazing movie.

A lot of people think this movie is gonna be a huge flop, I wanna see what you guys think. Leave your opinion in the comments please!

Dani California (An Expendables love story)Where stories live. Discover now